donderdag 15 februari 2024

Good evening at the 15th off February, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cloudy and cold in the Netherlands, and this morning it has been raining. 


This morning was for swimming a few lapses at the local swimming pool. The government has a fund to make us excercise more, and I profit from it by swimming once every week. Because I like to swim. It's good for my heart, but I don't seem to lose weight from it. I'm still very fat. 

Second thing about today, was my two quark tarts for de Boed. It was a big succes and I had people complimenting me on these all the time, the main package was provided by a friend. 

They're already finished, and I got the baking tins back clean and dry, but this was this morning. What you see on it, are tiny white chocolate hearts for it's finishing touch. During music afternoon, people enjoyed them. (And my kitchen isn't clean. But I'm buisy this week and I should find time to do so.) 

We where lucky today, Otherwise I'm not likely to make these anymore since it's become too expensive. It's always nice to make the (mainly poor) crowd off fellow clients enjoy a pastry. For people like us, this is luxury. Especially these crisis days. 

Tomorrow I have to undertake a bloodtest. Provided by General Practice. I did not feel so well last week. My week has been buisy. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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