dinsdag 20 februari 2024

Good evening at the 20th off February, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cloudy and it looks like rain is about to burst in a moment. 


I've got a feeling this crisis might take long, and will make us feel like it took very long. It's a bit more than gritting our teeth. We really have to sit it out, like being put in prison for some time if you suffer from it. It's not going to be mild. I think to share a message off 'There is light at the end off the tunnel and keep hope.' Is cheering too early and gives the audience false hopes for the short term. This crisis is something we have to take for a while. 

Sometimes I'm a little hard-headed in it. We have to wage a crisis and a war with a country filled with idiots. How the hell are we going to win this? This country is filled with idiots. It's something for me to think about and to worry about. People here say I have to let go off it, that it's something for the government to take care off. But what if I don't have trust in the government and think it will be screwed up then? I think we have to sit this era, juiced with 90's gravy for it's ambience, out for the most. I should stop to worry. It's getting the best off me and it's not preferable. What if we lose the war against Russia? Due to not to have been prepared to begin with? Has anyone even thought off that scenario? I think it will end by 2028, and it's a long sit out with a lose off a war in the worst case. 

People who say not to care about the news and the world are such dimwits. We should keep ourselves as informed as possible. People end up stupid and blind due to sticking their head in the sand. Being naive is NOT preferable these days. 

I feel a little depressed these days. And I feel guilty. When I'm out for coffee with a pastry, I can't halp but thinking off all those people who can't. And I feel guilty about still looking and being clean and tidy. The really poor people look cheap, filthy and on their last leggs these days, while I'm not vain, but I still got fresh clothes, earrings and mascara when grocery shopping, and I'm warm and washed. It almost feels as a threat how they vieuw me in the supermarket. I don't go out often, but when I do, it doesn't look good to me. I'm not a pessimist, but I don't wear rosy coloured glasses either. I think the supermarket costumers in my local supermarket look like crisis victims. 

I can't say it any better than that. I feel pity, but I also feel threatened by their intimidating come off when facing them. They wear streetclothes and have filthy hair and are noisy and nasty. Also the other, more moderate and average costumers looked very poor and ratchet. Maybe I should skip make-up and earrings when going there. Simply to adapt to the situation. What hell off a supermarket do you go to? You might wonder. Well, a supermarket that's one off the most ordinairy, every day and average, and could pass as fine about two years ago. It's audience didn't look so outworn and poor back then. I should not go too harsh on it, but when they start to intimidate, it's a diffrent thing. To be honest, I think the issue has to be solved much earlier than what I've foreseen. Overseeing these trouble makers, this will get out off hand at some point if they drive the whole country there. But that's how I see it. I think this might ignite and go wrong somehow if they drive it too late. 

I feel depressed these days. It's the crisis, it's the weather, it's the situation. I do well while others do bad from it. I can't solve it. But I would like to keep my level off wealth, since this is fine with me. To deal with these times is hard for my nerves. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 

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