vrijdag 2 februari 2024

Good morning at the 2nd off February, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's windy, clouded and rainy in the Netherlands, and it's still dark while I write you this. 


I can't see the end off the Ukraine-Russia war, it's just that I think all the criminals and the powers behind powers will get away with their agenda, and make their billions off money over the death bodies off the victims and get away with it. Simply because the ordinairy people are powerless, or coward, and do nothing to stop them. That's simply how it will go: They work out their agenda, and stop after the thing they're after is done. And we did nothing against it. All the war politics with their war economy and high chiefs will get away with it, and offcourse Russia is the big wrong doer and will be blamed for everything. There is an agenda behind this, but will that ever be revealed in our lifetime? I think we will get screwed massively over, and the government will not be laid a thing in the way to do so. People are that stupidly coward. 

And then, one day when we least expect it, it's all done and it will be peace again. It can be that dumb and simple sometimes. And the years after that we will see our budget growing back, and we're just a bit more traumatized and screwed over. But the government for now does not give a rats ass about it. They're all after the energy transit and the economic importance off it all. 

All I hope is that all those itchy bitchy idiots and cowards will grow stronger from it. Not even more dumb and hurt over small things like before the war. I believe we have to fight out a war and a crisis with a country filled with idiots and it's too hard to take for most. At least all those little whiners have something real to complain about for the upcoming 50 years. Otherwise, let's face it, people where off about nothing usually and everything was too much for them. I think we can't win a war with them. I don't think high off them. Mentality doesn't come out off nothing, a strong mentality has to grow. Let's hope it was at least good for that among them. Other than that, this entire war was only good for the wallet off the government in the long term. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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