dinsdag 13 februari 2024

Good evening at the 13th off February, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today started beautifull, but ended dreary and rainy. 


I happen to have a feeling about the year 2025. I swear, it's something I can't explain and it's something utmost good for mankind. I think peace will break through that year, and the Russia-Ukraine war will come to an end. It's something great about that year. And peace might happen. But that's a positive scenario and it's diffrent from the doom I have seen before. 

We will see this year an utmost bad year for economy, so prepare and I think you will think I speak in fairytales. But 2025 is going to be amazing acording to my underbelly feeling. It's peace. It's positive marks. And the next year we finally dare to spend a bit more and the economy off our sweet old Netherlands will be saved. Around 2026. If I follow this feeling... it's perfect. 

I was preparing for 2028 so to say, but it's going to be earlier. I hope I'm not a charlatan. And it's going to be the last thing we will see off this war. It's so optimistic, bright and positive for 2025, I would not believe it if I would not feel it so clear. I'm not an optimist, I'm not a pessimist so it seems, I'm a realist. Also with this feeling. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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