vrijdag 2 februari 2024

Good afternoon at the 2nd off February, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cold, cloudy and dreary. 


I've read a paranormal magazine which says the Ukraine war will bleed out due to lack off money, people and resources on both sides. It's cheating to share other people's prophecies with you. It's what all prophecies from ParaVisie, a paranormal magazine in the Netherlands, say about the Russia-Ukraine war. That will happen for an end. I haven't seen that scenario lately, it must have been somewhere at the back off my mind, but I couldn't see it all too clear. Allright, I didn't. 

It's not like you can start to make big future plans already, since the economic crisis might take a bit longer for most. And in my opinion, we have to wait untill we have money again before we set the horses on big plans again. Better safe than sorry on everything in my opinion. 

Sometimes all you need is the green, green grass off home. That's why I decided to get to see my family this weekend. I'm at my parental home. It's cozy and nice here. I purchased a cool book at a local bookshop, which has to do with mindfullness and cats, and I would like to inform you all about once I finished it. It's a promise for people who are into such subjects. Buddha, Eastern philosophy, Cats, Ashrams... perfect. 

Translated it's title means 'The monk who loved cats.' (I can't find it's original title.) And it's by Corrado Debiasi, it's often named among authors off my liking like Charlie Mackesy, Hemin Sunim and Hiro Arikawa. It looked like perfection in the window off the bookshop. I was lucky to have the copy from the window, since they where already almost out off it. I could not resist and it's a perfect novell to fill next week evenings with. Or maybe next weekend. I will inform you about it once I finished it. It's truly promising. 

I feel so wobbly and bad tempered at the moment, maybe Buddha has an answer. Like he had on the most difficult struggles with my intense, maddening emotions. I think it's not in this novell, but maybe I can find something, a proverb, a wisdom, that works for me. What to do when you're angry from fear and it's overflowing you like lava? Almost fluid, like warm blood. I'm too familiair with that emotion. If I was a dragon, I would probably burst into fire. It's getting the best off me. Maybe I should start reading my new book when I'm in a more peacefull state off mind. Buddha is too sacred for an angry outburst. (Buddha helps with them. I have these, but Buddhism knew a way to get me over with Vana Events. Maybe it also knows a way to get me over with war and wartime.) 

Don't get me wrong, I would be an angry beast, suffering from old pain and being violent probably if Buddha would not have found me. Short tempered and idiotic, but I prefer wisdom and sanity. Though I'm doing hard with these times. 

I have a request for Dutch publishers, I'm looking for 'The way off Nagomi.' By Ken Mogi, translated in Dutch. Nagomi seems to be a Japanese wisdom off peace, and they have it in English and German, but I can't find a Dutch copy off it. I have read Ikigai from his hand, and simply knowing he has more work which I can't find in my language yet, is not preferable. I would love to see it translated in Dutch, sold at a near bookstore. I would be so thankfull for that. I would love to read it, and fullfill my mind-calming journey through Eastern philosophies and wisdoms. 

Maybe Buddha has found me again. Sending me inspiration in the form off that novell in the window off the bookstore. During a time where I'm doing hard with my fear and anger. But Buddha wishes to save my soul with love and send me that book on my path. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     



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