zondag 18 februari 2024

Good morning at the 18th off February, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still dark outside and I can't see the weather. 


Instead off feeling woe something isn't anymore, be glad it happened! 

It's something my mind came up in the very death end off night. It's 02.40 AM, and I can't catch sleep. So, what to do? Well, maybe a compilation off the best cakes and bakings I ever made and posted on this weblog. 😉 And it's pretty much. It can be a torment to some, looking at it and having no money for it anymore. I torture myself by posting it since it's undoable anymore since the crisis broke out to bake that scrumptious. But maybe a reminder off better days. I hope I'm not being too cruel. Let's see if I can get this thing rolling...

A scrumptious syrup waffle cake. 

Heart-shaped cookies, with a half off white chocolate and almond flakes. 

Speculaas banana bread, made from a magazine. 

Lime-avocado cheesecake 

I think this is a picture off the first- ever banana cake. 

An oven filled with old fashioned sand-cookies, but it's been for my old work place at the old Upcycling. They where out before we knew it. 

These are old lemon owl-cakes. Owl-shaped cakes. I served them as a dessert back in the days when I had to host dinner every once a month on monday evening for my group living. I really had time and space (And money.) to let go off my creativity in the kitchen back then. They're served with whipped cream and a scoop off ice cream. On a cool pastry plate. 😉 I still have these. 

This one time back in 2018, where Leviaan let me serve bakings (Nutella brownies and a fancy quark tart made with Spanish orange cream yoghurt and chocolate sprinkles.) a neighbourbood High-Tea, to try to get neighbours involved at our business. It wasn't much off a succes, but my bakings nevertless where. 

This is a 2020 invention, golden raisin and prune-cake. Which we where very fond off and which got highly appreciated by fellow- clients. Repeated many times over. 

This one winter where I had so much ingredients left, I could make two appeltaarten and they tasted divine with all the star anise in it. That perfect discovery off star anise in bakings. 💖

These are works from 'Cakes.' by Rutger van den Broek. A renowed baking book author. I think they turned out perfectly in my hands. 

The former queen off England also seemed to be fond about this biscuit and chocolate cake, according to the rumors. I had dolled mine up with wallnuts. It was good as a mood enhancer for de Boed, a few seasons ago. 

This receipe for Middle-Eastern style date and pecan cake also came from Rutger van den Broek, from the 'Bakbijbel.' And it was perfect for a dreary afternoon. 

Chocolate cookies, the perfect treat for a music afternoon on thursday. 

And these where truly divine. Peanutbutter cookies. They tasted a hundred times better than expected. Since I didn't expect something to become perfect from peanutbutter. But it was such a succes. 

These are all recent works from previous year for de Boed, raisin cakes, banana chocolate bundt cake, coconut white chocolate cup-cakes, and a Bitterkoekjes cake. 

I love the taste off lemon-yoghurt cake. It's my personal favourite so far, I think. I can make lemon cake taste like lemon candy and it's perfect when I do so. I still have to practice the glaze a bit. But I think it's perfect for a nowadays personal occasion since it's expensive but still amazing in taste. (My birthday, for example.) During the crisis, it's perfect but not over-done. It's like a London Teashop at home.  

Last but not least, The largest Banana cake I ever made, once at Christmas time, with the largest baking mold from Nordic ware and it was good for several fisherman's tales from some people, seperating their hands a meter a part, telling everyone how big this cake was. It was huge according to them. And even more tasty. It got perfect compliments. 

I hope I made somewhat off an impression on what I can make when it comes to baking. I love to bake, use my creativity and become better over the years. It's just such a pity I can't do so anymore due to price increasement. It's frustrating. I adapt to the circumstances, I got a roof above my head and food on the table. My basics are covered and I'm warm and dressed. So baking is not a basic need. But still I hate the idea off missing it. I hope things in the world will solve easily and fast. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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