donderdag 15 februari 2024

Good evening at the 15th off February 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been dark, cold and dreary outside in Zaandijk all day. 


I came up with a fun joke during dinner, I just don't know if it's appropriate. I'll put it in Dutch, the way I got it in my mind. 

'Wat moet Tristan doen om een vrouw te versieren? Antwoord: Zijn werkkleding aantrekken, voor de rest heeft hij geen geld meer.' 

'What does Tristan has to do to seduce a woman? Answer: To put on his workman clothes. For all the rest he has no money anymore.' 

in Tristan, I imagine a handsome, pale blonde young hunk with a toned body from working as a mechanic off some sort. Not everyone has the luck to look like Tristan. That speaks for him. But it's a bit sad that ordinairy work man have no money left for seduction. But sometimes seduction happens by the way they are and then they're lucky with their looks. But still. To only be capable to put on your working clothes to seduce... it's a bit sour. But probably the reality off the day for most ordinairy people nowadays. Still the way this joke came up in my mind made me laugh out loud at dinner. People asked me what was wrong with me, so I cut it off. 

Without de Boed I could not survive either, so I should not go too harsh on ordinairy people. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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