dinsdag 13 februari 2024

Good evening at the 13th off February, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning it has been sunny, and nice weather for a few walks around the neighbourhood. 


Any plans for tomorrow? It's going to be Valentine's day.... 

Well, tomorrow is for working in the kitchen. I'm about to prepare quark tart on a friend's request. She purchased the packages, so she provided de Boed a pastry on Thursday. After that I'm going to make mustard soup and after that I'm at de Boed's cooking club. It's buisy with preparing food. The day after that? I think we'll have lemon quark tart with our coffee, and because my friend provided it, there will be tiny white chocolate hearts on it. But I'm going to use a pet peeve: Let's not be too optimistic. The 15th I think they'll publish the growth marks for the economy for the last quarter off a year off 2023, and I think they'll publish the growth marks for the entire year. I suppose they'll be in the negative. But it's going to be a good day for me personal. Thursday is for swimming and a left over mustard soup if de Boed has anything left. 

I can be such a downer to the romantic when I come with that growth mark story. I haven't seen how expensive valentine's gifts and chocolate is this year, but I don't expect anything positive from it. I personal am simply too buisy for valentine's day. I'm not Catwoman waiting for Batman. (Man, I dwell in that couple recently... They're just too sexy.) But let's keep it at it that I'm glad there are tiny white chocolate hearts on the quark tart on Thursday, and that entire thing (Two lemon quark tarts.) will be me and my friend's act off kindness to de Boed and all it's lonely souls. 

I'm considering reading Batman just for the Batman x Catwoman romance. Hence, I even painted my nails black for this week. I'm buisy as a bee and there's no romance for me- that's my answer for this year. Looking romantic? Let's be positive I will shower for tomorrow and wash my hair since there's kitchen work to be done. 

I haven't planned anything special tomorrow. But let's keep Buddha's wisdom in mind: The only special occasion in life, is life itself. So maybe some other day will be romantic for me. Should I keep hope after 31 years off no Valentine? I don't want to sound naive, but maybe, one day in the future but obviously not now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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