maandag 19 februari 2024

Good morning at the 19th off February, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's almost 01.00 o'clock, it's dark outside and I can't see the weather. 


Question: Have you ever been in love with Faust from the Vana Events forum, or his real life self? 


That man has been my personal nightmare. I felt awfull about him. Delustional, and I have been calling him things in my head that are not fit to repeat on here. And that was before the cheat-thing where he suddenly had someone else. I'm fine with that, to be honest. We where never a thing, though there where several rumors about it. And that's for the better because I can't stand the man. I even have been calling him terrible things related to his Jewish background, even including the holocaust and WWII. You don't want to know how bad it was. I downright hate him. 

I never said so in real life and I felt obsessed with it at some point, to the point where it drove me insane. I felt I better kept distance from him since he was the main source off my delusions and feeling awfull, while he drove me in a corner, claiming he was about to 'get me pregnant. Hearhearhear.' Just like that. It's terrible to an unfertile woman like me when they joke about that. He drove me batshit insane, and the worse thing was that powerless feeling, off not being capable to speak up how I felt about that baboon's face. He looks like a baboon with a jewfro and buckteeth. He's just terrible to look at. And he wears those pesky 'Look, I'm a macho.' sunglasses everywhere, which are stupid. He's NOT my type, and he has never been. I felt most awfull about not being capable to tell the truth. People assumed his feelings where mutual and I would or had to answer positive. Which was not te case, and which makes Vana some sort off a sect in my opinion, forcing people to do what they want. 

I don't want a fucking baby with that retard. He doesn't respect me, he behaves too macho in a male dominant way and he thinks he's a whole lot off something. He's not my type. 

I have the song 'Just a girl.' by No Doubt in my head with this. People see me as too girly girly and simple to even get it. Even to a point where it's humiliating. Assaulting, overruling and sexist. 

But I'm not, Just like the song, I've had it up to here with them. There are certain reasons for me to never to come back to Castlefest. I wish him and his new girl all the luck. But forget about me. 

Let's post No Doubt on here: 

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