vrijdag 16 februari 2024

Good evening at the 16th off February, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been mildly cold and cloudy outside in dreary, old fashioned Zaandijk. 


Rumors! Let's kill them off before they bite me 😉

A question: Do you have sex reglauirly with diffrent men? 


Absolutely not. I don't have sex to begin with, I'm a 31 year old virgin, still waiting for prince charming. I rather don't have a relationship than a bad relationship, and I don't like the idea off sex without a form off commitment. It has to be serious and real before I wish to take that step. 

It's probably my big fat ass that scares them off, and my mental patient attitude. Diffrent men? I think someone is jealouse off my populairity among some men. I can't help they sometimes easily fall at my feet. But I keep my sane distance to them. And most off the time it's just not it. So then it's no with me. 

I'm honest with you. I'm not after 'easy sex.' or 'going easy.' with someone. I still believe in real romance and real love. And I have never found that. Maybe I'm a bit acoy or cold hearted to not step into it, I have rejected some in the past. But it's my body and my choice. Just like not having children, it ain't so bad. I rather don't have sex and a relationship, than bad sex and a bad relationship. Sometimes it's as easy as that. Maybe that makes me count as strong and independent. Men... what do we need them for? There's nothing in this life I can't take on my own. 😉 I have fought battles beyond most sane people's believement. 31 years off being a bachelor. Maybe I've outgrown the stage where I'm fit for a good relationship because off doing so much things my own way. It's hard adapting to someone else after such a long time. I'm sorry. But it's not too bad to be honest. No love, no sex, but still, it's good. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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