zondag 19 mei 2019

Good afternoon at the 19th off May, 2019

Good afternoon everyone.

I´m having A bit off trouble with this ´Stop-week.´ off my birth controll, I´m supposed to bleed, but the bleeding doesn´t seem to come through, I bleed in small episodes, but the large bleeding doesn´t seem to begin, I know I´m not pregnant, (Luckily) it´s just that this period is A bit... weird and seems to be A little troublesome, I guess. I believe that very nice guardian angel I have in my mind sometimes could help me out. I might sound strange, but sometimes, A very warm man with black hair pops up in my mind and helps me to get rid off physical health issues, I don´t know where to begin to thank him if he turns out to excist for real. That sounds weird, right? Do we, humans, have special angels like that? I have never met him, but I wish to send my thanks to him for everything. As he often pops up and helps me.💖 I feel so thankfull for A being like him who works with my ´health system.´ at times.

As for today, I´m just out off bed and had A few mugs of instant wiener melange to start this afternoon with. I expect nothing to happen on this lazy sunday. I´m thinking off ordering some usefull goods online, so I´ll have ´presents.´ in my mail box next week. That could turn A boring sunday afternoon into A fun day.

A few off these items are books about professional baking, however. To improve my skills in that field, written by famous people who made name with baking, and as far I´ve seen, their books just look nice to flip through and perhaps make some receipes from. So to say, -You have A hobby, or you don´t.-

A bit off thinking out loud: I think one off next week´s dinners will be A self-made quiche, simply to eat my veggies in A yummy way. I could order A quiche baking tin, with A loose bottom which could also be suitable for certain pies. Those baking tins for quiches are often pretty large. At the moment, I only own A few common baking tins. So one more special baking tin could just give it that little extra.

Allright, to the webshops!

I hope you enjoyed reading my weblog.



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