zaterdag 11 mei 2019

Apple crumble cheesecake, and A nice afternoon with my friend and some neighbours.

It came out very nice, though it's super sweet and It's best not to eat more than err... two slices? I prepared it A bit diffrent than the receipe, though it turned out nice. I'm going to share the other half off the baking pan. (Really, couldn't you get A hold off yourself?) with people at de Boed on monday morning. I hope they'll love it.

It came out A bit messy out off the pan, unfortunately, I didn't grease it, I just used baking parchment. though it was nice to eat. I believe I should have adjusted A pinch off salt somewhere in either the bottom or the crumble at the top, so it wouldn't have been as overly sweet as how it turned out. Still, it's not bad.

I had A nice conversation with my friend, and after A while we went out because I wanted to show her 'de Boed.' But we came across some off my neighbours and we ended talking with them on A garden bench, enjoying company and chatting along accompanied by A cute dark grey and white tom-cat who passed us by, and who craved for being petted and our attention. I love cats, and I loved being outside and having nice conversations more than I thought I would at first. (I refused my friend's offer to go out at first.) The sun felt nice and warm on my skin, and before we knew it, we had A tiny group off people chatting along at our spot, untill my friend had to go home. I love these kind off things. My neighbourhood likes me. This afternoon was so nice. I feel like going outside more, and chit-chat with everyone A bit more now.

All there's left to do this evening is preparing soup and some grilled sandwiches, and then I'd call it A day.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.



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