vrijdag 17 mei 2019

Good morning at the 17th off May 2019

Good morning everyone.

Unfortunately, the sports teacher had called off, so the care-taker who takes us to sports called the clients off. Otherly said: I didn't start A sports routine this morning, due to circumstances. There's A next chance next week, though. I have to be carefull with this. bad circumstances make me suspicious.

I felt like making A cheesecake with white chocolate on top and perhaps some self-made caramel sauce on top off that, but something tells me it's better not to do so this weekend. Comming to think off it, I'm about to make cupcakes at work next monday. If I wish for A healthier eating habbit, and not overly stuff myself with sugar, I better don't make A cheesecake at home this weekend. though it's tempting, and I love to bake.

Luckily, this is A decision I can make, and this doesn't depend on circumstances. There are healthier receipes out there, for bakings loaded with fruits and hidden vegetables. But I guess I'll just leave this weekend without any baking, and simply try to choose more healthy ideas.

To have said that, I wonder what to do next weekend.

Thank you for reading,
XXX.- Maaike.

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