It's A bit off A route in between, it's about baking, but these can be used as inspiration for dinner so it's not so bad like, when you ordered A cookbook on sweet cakes and cookies. Still it's the fun off baking.
I have to make space on my cookbook-shelves. I could have saved up A little off that money, but something in me wished to buy myself some nice stuff. I haven't bought A quiche tin, I have to work with the baking tins I already own.
One off my goals is to lose about 50 killograms over the next period off three years, I've given myself some time.
quiches and hearthy pies aren't particulairly healthy foods, with their dough and melted cheese stuffing, but I feel like making one or two for dinner the upcomming period. And I think I won't regret. You can make them as winter-ish or summer-like as you wish to, they're not just suitable for winter (Like something in my head tells me.)
It was always so nice to eat when my mom made A few large hearthy pies at home for dinner. I wouldn't call it her signature dish, but I can remember her making it when my brother (A 2.10 meters tall guy nowadays) was still A young boy and they made it togheter. I wonder if he still knows that hearthy pie filling mom used to make. It was something very easy with ham, vegetables and cheese.
Tuesday one off these books will be delivered, and the other one the next week, around the 25th off May.
I hope you enjoyed reading.
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