donderdag 18 januari 2024

Good afternoon at the 18th off January, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's freezing, cold but sunny in this part off the Netherlands. At least we're not covered in snow. 😉


My father would have turned 71 today. Unfortunately, he died in 2012. Aged 59. This evening I decided to share a bundt cake due to the occasion, but that's for a previous weblog. 

Maybe I make you wonder, often I share old fashioned music, my style is classic, I have a taste for the old fashioned. But would I prefer to live in the era off the 1930's-1960's ? Actually I don't. 

I love it and I lean towards it, but my freedom as a modern woman, my rights, the sense off not being oppressed in any manner are much more important to me. Homophobia and racism where much more accepted in those days. Which is not to my acceptance. If I would have lived by then, I would have died in some sort off mental institute instead off being free. Or I would have been forced to be a housewife my entire life. So, no thanks to that. But the style is nevertless beautifull and very comforting to me. It's a style I thankfully borrow during a more modern, free era. Where I am a free person with rights and freedom to choose. 

I can be a mental feminist, wearing pants, sweaters and thick glasses and do as I please most off the time. Not plucking, shaving, looking ungroomed and being murdurously fat is much less off an issue nowadays. Aside to misbehaving and having an opinion. So, no- I love the style and the class off that era, but I would never want to live in it. And it's my freedom to think so and share that opinion with you nowadays. 😉 Let's hope it will stay that way. And we will always be free to have and share our opinion.  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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