vrijdag 5 januari 2024

Good morning at the 5th off January, 2024, 2.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's grey, cold and dreary outside this morning in the Netherlands. 


The Ukraine-Russia war and the crisis won't be over soon, we still have a few years off war ahead. I have been cheering too early about peace. Anything signed these days won't last, or is not in Europe's favor. It's likely to be an expensive scam if they think too straight on about it. 'Think a bit more crooked when you work with Russia.' That's what I got to say about it. 

Things will be even more expensive, and it will last for some time. We're going to be poor in Western Europe. But we take it with style. Vintage classics are going to help us deal with it. Like they already do, but even a bit more. I love it. I always have been a vintage loving girl, but this era (The modern '20's) is going to dwell in it. It's not so bad for an old soul like mine. It's nostalgic and romantic, and not too expensive. Just what we need. 

anything too sweet is not going to be it during these years. We need to fight and stand firm, we can't be prissy. 

I had a night off bad sleep where I could not catch sleep. I'm having trouble sleeping well these days, and sleep untill morning. I wake up too early in the morning, and this night it felt like I haven't slept at all. 

And I'm in a winter dip. It's not a depression, but a 'The holidays went off early.' - dip. And it's dark, cold and dreary outside all the time here. It's forecasted to get freezing this weekend, even more cold. January IS a dark month when you have soaked up too little light during the Yule period. Just too bad, now I have to deal with that this entire dark winter. I could try to seek more light by burning more candles. Maybe that is going to help a little. Light, warmth, cozyness. Something to pick me up these days. And it is pretty hard. 

Something that does work for me, is that I started talking. I chit-chat and have nice conversations with people at de Boed, where I used to be quiet all the time. Real life just wasn't the place for me to talk, but it's pretty inviting for me to open up these days. I'm more off an 'internet and paper.' kind off girl who does hard making real life friends. To talk is important, we all need to give air to our feelings and experiences. Every person needs it. I'm just overlooking it and choke things in most off the time, while actually, I need it most. But I do / did hard with it. De Boed becomes so much off a better place when I talk with people and express my opinions and feelings. Much better! To talk helps, like the cliche says. 

Coffee, the newspaper and conversations are all very healthy for human well-being in my opinion, especially in the morning. (If you can set yourself to talking) being social is human. It's better, and I feel like I need it these days. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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