maandag 8 januari 2024

Good evening at the 8th off January, 2024,

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was freezing and clear in the Netherlands. It was mildly freezing. 


After those dreary holidays, I was glad ordinairy Monday Morning groceries was there again. They took us grocery shopping at the local supermarket. It was very expensive, but I made it with my small budget today. The holidays weren't so great, it was good daily life witheld something positive. Finally I have groceries on stock again. I was a bit dependant on the grocery service these days. Since having Corona, and the holidays. But it was good to be out and on my feet again this monday.  

I'm still in a small dip. I could set myself to wash up the dishes a few days ago, but other than that, I'm not doing well. My mind is buisy these days. It's a bit unorganized, and I foresee diffrent outcomes to the war all the time. 

The best scenario is this very spring, during February / March, the worst case scenario possible is 2028. 2028 will really make the west cringe from suffering, and with us I think the entire world will suffer. But there is a possibility it can end this very spring, and people won't be so poor and desperate again. I can look into the future, but this time it has a few diffrent scenario's for us. Dependant on how things will turn out. Sometimes I see peace and wealth, but lately I have seen a poor and desperate Netherlands again. Especially in the poor areas where I live. People here have little money. The crisis is a disaster for them.  

I for myself get by, there's little room for extra's, but I can keep up thanks to Leviaan. The care organisation where I live. I think I will get by in the future, and I will make it. But for others, it can turn out to be disastrous, even more painfull than it already is. 

Offcourse this is not a third world country. We have a roof above our head, and we have food and to drink on the table. But the bills are over the moon and there is no money for extra's for most. The most fun parts are blasted off by the Russians for us. 

I wish there was a guardian angel for all off us who would stop the war, and make life acceptable and great for us all again. No more war! No more perverted powerplay. That would be the best and most positive outcome for everyone. The newspaper is still filled with crisis and war. As if people don't have enough on their mind already. I live in a small care home, surrounded by elderly people who die all the time. I'm a mental patient who is already doing hard from daily life. Life is already hard enough without war. I wish they would understand. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


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