donderdag 11 januari 2024

Good evening at the 11th off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's icy cold and cloudy in the Netherlands. 


Today was for swimming a few lapses in the local swimming pool. The first time since Christmas vacation. I felt glad I have done so. I purchased a new bathing suit which I could flaunt with a little during swimming. My intention with it was to make it 'well fitted.' Which is important for a fat lady. It fits me well, and it looks nice. I love to swim. 

Yesterday was for watching an all time favourite off mine, Howl's Moving Castle by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. I have loved that movie ever since I was 18. My younger brother would say: 'Oh no, not that movie again!!!' But we would still watch it anyway. Because I love it so much. I think I can feel with with the characters a bit more due to these times compared to the times when I first watched it. As if the threat off a new war and people hanging on to the classics and old fashioned stuff makes it more relatable. I still love that movie. I can recomend it to everyone. I'm glad I found out it's on Netflix 

Next week they forecasted a blizzard in the Netherlands on Wednesday. I feel a bit threated by the idea, but that's because I'm afraid I will slip and fall when the snow is there. I have to wear shoes with good grip. I'm lucky to own these. And sometimes there's nothing to do but to sit on the couch, pour myself a large cup off tea, turn on my favourite radio channel and simply sit it out. At least I can be gratefull I have a home to sit it out. It will also be the week off my period, so I should have everything I need for that stocked in the home. It's not much off a funny joke when there's a blizzard and you don't have that covered as a woman. And chocolate! Heavy snow during a period requires a lot off chocolate! At least it's the kind off day that almost forces us to take it easy if you don't have a job, not to go out and take it low-profile. Perfect for a period day. 

The Dutch Central Bank published a raming about the growth off our economy. I think it's too optimistic. It's not as positive as last year, but I believe it will be at minus for the entire year 2023, and a minus for this first quarter off a year. They spoke off an expectation off 0,3 % growth, but I have the idea it's at least -0,3% for 2023. Since every quarter was a minus. I think the raming for entire 2024 is on the optimistic side, since it predicts gowth. They should take count off a more negative scenario for this year. They still have the idea they talk about 'The Netherlands.' A strong and wealthy world economy, and it's supposed to grow each year. But this time they should take it down if they wish for a serious prediction for economic growth. I myself have the idea we talk abouth a growth mark off around -0,8% for this quarter off a year. The first quarter off a year for 2024. It's NOT positive. I may seem like a Negative Nancy to you, but I'm utmost realistic. If you care for growth marks, it's important to hold a realistic scenario to the people. But maybe I'm not realistic since this comes from visions, insights and intuition. And it's still not real for the high-educated economists off the Netherlands. But they should beware. Not because I personally would do something to them, but because this negativity is real. 

I don't know if anyone who matters to it is going to see it. or if it's going to be true. I just think we should all take count off a further shrinking economy. It's not going to do good for the prices. At least for this entire year. But there are going to be more sunny days, somehow, somewhere, in the future. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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