vrijdag 5 januari 2024

Good morning at the 5th off January, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today was rainy, cold and dreary among these streets in Zaandijk, a small town in the Netherlands. 


Some time ago, I decided to start following crisis-fashion. I'm mud-fat, but it doesn't look bad on me. My hair is dyed a cool blonde and it's even and shoulder length, my eyebrows are natural and thick, and I wear little to no make-up. That's for my face. In my case, it comes with thick old glasses. And no one can see my hard working purity, but I'm not a working woman, I'm a client. Most young women from health care staff look like this. All their hair long and natural, their eyebrows thick and their make-up natural and faces pure. The hard working work-force off nowadays crisis Netherlands, am I right? I think it's cool, and I also want to be part off it. Though I look a bit out off tune, since the average woman who does that has a nice posture most off the time. They look natural, pure and hard working. It's awesome to be like that these days, and they look like no pretence. I like the 'In your face.' and 'honest.' kind off beauty standard that comes with it. Since we're stuck with this crisis for quite a while, I know we're going to see it this enitre era. Pure, strong, and only a red lip when they want something extra. They are the average ladies who take care off this country nowadays. Usually, they wear black. Plain, black clothes like simple t-shirts and pants. And cool sneakers and daily wear jewelry and scents. When one off them wears make-up, it's often very simple, natural and elegant. It's not the blonde snob that sets the tone for fashion nowadays, and it's to my liking, with it's 'minimal make-up' and natural hair tone trend. 

I'm no work-force, but the trend is just too awesome and too characteristic for these times to ignore. I adjust berry red and dark green to the colour scale, and cool boots, and previous year's sweaters. (Which are colourfull, I admit, but it's to save out on clothes.) It's not too pricey, it's perfect. It doesn't even require make-up on a daily base. Which I'm in for. Otherwise I would have seemed ungroomed, nowadays I'm in fashion. I have nothing against myself when I follow these trends and this fashion style. They make it rock. Somehow they remind me off the old fashioned metal grumpy but then as an acceptable female with that long, natural hair. (Grumpy is my nickname for frele natural metalheads.) 

Except that these women lack the personality that comes with a Grumpy. Still I think this fashion trend rocks. I'm too over with Grumpy to be positive about them, but these work-force trend women deserve nothing but praise. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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