woensdag 24 januari 2024

Good afternoon at the 24th off January, 2024.


Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's clear and very windy outside in the Netherlands. 


Mind this face, this is minimal make-up nowadays, and I would like to declare it 'crisis fashion.' I saw this style off make-up in a clear vision, off a video where all decades off the 21st century where lined up in the most populair items off those decades. It focused on our decades since it was very diffrent from the average blonde pretty stuff I saw. It said this was THE make-up off 2027 and on, untill 2032. It's classic eyeliner-flick, mini mascara, classic red lipstick, a warm tint off foundation, thick and groomed eyebrows and that's about it. And the cool blonde hairshade. No light blonde, it fell out off tune since the Belle off this era wore a natural shade. No excessive eyeshadow or liner artworks like before and after. Just, classic, modest and minimal, since we're in a crisis and a war. It means the war will still be on during 2027. I have the idea we're (The European Union) going to fight if it lasts untill after 2025. When planets are transferred to Aries. 

I think Utillity work-wear is going to be it for the next crisis and war decade for women. I've drawn the woman with my own shade off eyes. (Blue-green) 

The lipstick was furthermore remarkable, since it was one which only costed 7 euro's each. Compared to what other make-up can cost, it was sure something to beware off. It's a bright red one which probably still has to make it on the market. And it was not off good quality. 

Since I saw minimal make-up and this hairtone in fashion everywhere, I got this vision stuck in my head. Maybe I should mind you about it. 

I think I'm not going to grow old enough to watch the future video about this era. But it also makes me know it won't last forever, and some day in the future we will see a fashion change. But we're only at the beginning off this sober one. Women beware, people beware. We're going to be deep into this shit. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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