maandag 1 januari 2024

Good evening at the 1st off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been clear and cold in the Netherlands. It's been even sunny for a short while, before tomorrow the rain hits in again according to the weather forecasts. 


We started another year with hopes, promises and dreams for the future. I hope you can make your dreams come true, and you and yours are blessed and healthy this entire year. 

I have been tired today, I have been in bed from 13.00 PM untill 16.00 PM, and I relaxed and tried to sleep. I still feel somewhat tired from Corona. The 1st off January is usually a day to relax and sleep in a bit. I had a rushy morning, with medication and breakfast, coffee and lunch. But I decided on to skip de Boed's afternoon coffee to have a rest today. Sometimes de Boed demands too much from us. But we are free wheter we go there or not. So, rest it was this afternoon. The cold invites people even more to stay in, and be sleepy and rest after a short night off sleep. Well, on the positive side, I did nothing bad with my time by staying in and sleeping. 

My New Year's eve was a bit lonesome, I have spend it in and watched fireworks from out my window. The fireworks in this neighbourhood, poor as it is, left nothing to wish for. For a noisy neighbour, it makes me wonder what they do it from, money-wise, but the fireworks looked amazing. It was a great free show to watch. Provided by my neighbours. 

It's as if everything, ever since the day after Christmas, wants me to live as sober as possible again. No more Christmas after Christmas, no cozy holiday vacation feeling, no left overs, but dry, boring and sober- cold turkey like Christmas only belongs once a year, and the soberness prepares me for the rest off the year. Otherwise, there would have been a top 2000 best music off all time to listen to, or a TV show, or something else great, but I was just too tired and wrapped up in daily life again. I even haven't watched the New Year's day concert today. So sadly enough, no New Year's traditions for me this year, just a few snacks last night, and fireworks from out my window. Maybe I should skip the New Year's resolution tradition either, but my resolution is to try to keep on being clean and keeping the house clean. Keep on going the way it is, and health care staff is going to get angry at me if I don't. I better keep to it. This morning, at January 1st, I cleaned my own toilet and emptied thrash bins, for example. And I think I better stick to the monday 'Clean the home' routine. 

So the holidays are over in the Netherlands, we go back to a period off cold and dreary slomberness this week. I hope I can make it through. Maybe I should see what will be going on this period, and see how to react to it. The drearyness off this period makes me feel so tired. It's gloomy and depressing. Maybe I should have a little patience with myself and my winter blues. Give myself time. Usually my winter blues, if I catch one, lasts untull March. Untill spring time begins. This blunt ending off the holiday season makes it so bad. Hopefully I can find something against it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       


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