maandag 15 januari 2024

Good morning at the 15th off January, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's hailing, cold, slippery and dark outside in the Netherlands. Perfect gloomy weather for Blue Monday. 


We have a week off snow ahead. It's going to be freezing at night. I hope you are all warm and safe and sound during this week. And let's hope energy prices won't shoot through the roof anymore due to cold and war. We need our central heathing more than ever these days. 

I've accidentally bitten my lips. It's quite a stain, so I won't be capable to wear 'grocery shopping lipstick.' today. Usually I don't wear much make-up, but for grocery shopping, it's mascara and a nude HEMA lipstick each week. 'Canal House Brick.' Which I purchased for it's funny name. It's a soft nude. But it works well on me, and I have been using it for quite a few years. It's remarkable how long lipstick goes with if you're sober and don't do it each week. 

Something in me wishes to look a little bit better during grocery shopping. If not for the attention off the supermarket manager, if not for the agreeable looks from fellow-millenial women who judge me when I face them, if not for the appreciation off self-scan staff, (Middle-adged ladies mainly, who check if I scanned everything.) then it's just for myself, but the appreciation from others in the supermarket, aside to my idea off myself being agreeable in the supermarket each week, make it worthit. Usually I tell you how I don't wear make-up, I don't know if I have told you about Canal House Brick lipstick before. appearently, the opinion off other people, no matter how small, still matters to me. But not on a daily base. I only wear a small amount off make-up on mondays if I don't have obligations. 

I apply my lipstick like a Chanel pro: lipbalm first, then lipstick, and then removing too much product from the sides with a cotton tip. It makes me look invincible, groomed and nice each week. But this week it will be just lipbalm, since I bit my lip and have a stain. I allready applied my mascara. Rest off the face is just make-up less. I don't know if it's in my favor not to wear lipstick today. I think Í'm just a monday morning costumer to the supermarket. As long as I don't wear summer clothes and Hawaï prints today, and simply pay for my groceries, I think they don't really care. To me personal it does matter a bit. Simply for my self-image. Maybe for now I should pretend not to care. I need those groceries anyway. Let's simply go for it, and hope they are all just as forgetfull as most people. Next week they are going to see me with lipstick again. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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