zaterdag 6 januari 2024

Good evening at the 6th off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold, gloomy and dreary in this part off the Netherlands. 


This morning I decided to sleep in a bit, instead off getting out very early, I decided to stay in bed and get back to bed again after they handed me my medicine. It was a good idea, to be in bed and rest did well. Especially when you're up early always, like me. 

I hope people will keep hope during this crisis. No matter how bad it's going to be. It's important to not let our head hang down and become desperate. No matter how high the costs. It's important to keep in mind there will be a day after tomorrow, and this crisis won't last forever. There is a time after this. A lot off people have to grid their teeth and take it more sober these days. Remember it's not just you, you are not alone, and it won't be forever. I don't know for how long I'm going to repeat it, but this war with Russia is not the end off the world. I hope you are strong and sane enough to keep that in mind. Without hope, we lose everything, and we better give it up to the Russians immediately. 

I have had coffee in my own flat today, and it did well against my winter dip. I'm a bit depressed these days. It's more persistent than I thought. But coffee helped. Science has it, coffee works well for your mood. But not more than 4 cups a day. It's stated that women who drink coffee, are more happy with life and less likely to commit suicide. I'm far from suicide. I love life too much, but this is to illustrate how well coffee works for your mood. So, yes, I dedicate to the coffee this afternoon I feel a bit better compared to earlier on. But that is for today. 

I took a shower this evening, and changed to PJ's. Today was a calm day. But I'm a psychiatric patient who needs her rest. Lately, I'm often tired. I got this hormonal cure which starts up a menstrual period. It also works with against my mood. I take it because my period doesn't come natural, and a woman needs it every three times a year. This is the first time this year I take it again. Maybe the gloomyness and the feeling to be in bed all the time comes from that. But coffee helps... an entire ditch off coffee! I took about 5 cups today. 

If I feel the urge to chocolate, at least I know where it comes from, and then I simply should have more patience with myself. This year is not much off a kickstart, but at least I'm not likely to crash this speedboat against a wall when I start it off slowly. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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