zaterdag 20 januari 2024

Good evening at the 20th off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cold and clear in the Netherlands. It's cold but the weather is not too bad. It's perfect for Norwegian Knits today. I'm wearing a bright yellow and white one. today 


Somehow I suspect prices not to enlower when the war ends. This crisis could have a nasty tail for people who think too optimistic. I wish to warn you all about the possibility for Europe / the NATO to truly get into a fight with Russia either. Without United States- support and help, it will be a laugh for Russia which we are NOT likely to win. We will get out off it, but I think we will still be as poor as the ancient streetbricks in this old fashioned town. 

I personally hoped we would get rich again, so I could bake and cook more fancy, and more often. But be aware this whole 'increased prices-thing.' might last a bit too long. Don't think it will be over too soon. It's a bit more than simply 'gritting your teeth.' And indulge on Brussle sprouts, this war-thing is going to be big, long and traumatic. Maybe I'm even a bit too optimistic when I say 2028 will be the war's end. And 2032 will be the crisis' end. Be aware, try to prepare. 

I think the world is getting into a massive collective trauma over this era. And the government should do more for all those poor people. To build homes for everyone to begin with, and then fight it out with the farmers. But homes should be their top-priority for now. 

I had the nightmare our former president wanted to get elected for president again. It was such a bad dream. Everyone thinks he has blown up, he was a drama for the Netherlands for 12 bad years. They voted him off last year, but in my nightmare he came back. 

My own personal dream to vreet on lobster during Christmas and home made strawberry tiramisu during summer is not likely to happen soon. Donna Hay can catch a layer off dust on my shelve. It's going to be nasty and bad these years. And I wish the United States would not be so difficult about it and simply stand by and help. With them, we would win this war. Without them, we will not and it's that simple sometimes. 

Tomorrow we'll have storm Isha over us in the Netherlands. I had a care worker named Isha some time ago. I found he did his job pretty well. He doesn't deserve a storm named after him. 

We had quite some storms lately. But this storm is going to last untill Tuesday if we're not lucky. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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