dinsdag 16 januari 2024

Good evening at the 16th off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning the streets and the roofs where covered in snow. It's been cold and cloudy today. 


I think I must have been cheering a bit too early two days ago. I felt so well, I decided to stay out off bed in the evening. Listening to music, watching movies on Netflix. It's a period where people and animals die in my close surrounding, that very evening. I have been cheering too early. I still feel like I want to be out off bed in the evening instead off being in bed depressed all the time very early. Or is it truly depression? 

I manage my days well. It's just that I'm so winter-tired in the evening. It's strange how I watched cute video's off kitties on Pinterest when my cat died. Especially cute tuxedo kittens. I thought about him that evening. It's hard. 

It's quite the January, and I'm dealing with a gloomy and somber feeling. The weather doesn't work with either. Tomorrow there will be a blizzard according to the forecasts. Now it's said it's 'just in the south.' Where it was the whole country at first. We'll see. I think it's a good idea to watch the news ahead to this blizzard to be informed about it. 

I feel sad and I'm doing hard. I informed everyone here about Tom, I talked about him and his death, but it's still very hard. And one off my elder neigbours came to pass. It was an elderly man in his 70's who was quite someone around this neighbourhood. He fought against darm cancer, but lost. And my friend the old Zoo keeper is sick. So we hadn't have the chance to have coffee yet. He was very good friends with the old man who died, so I expect him to be in big mourning. I think I will wait untill he's fine again. Like Waldorf & Stantler from the Muppets they where. Quite the phenomena to comment to people and situations at de Boed and the terrain. It's a loss for the entire terrain he's gone.  Though he wasn't my friend. 

And my period broke through, I'm firmly bleeding, and I expect that will hold on the entire week. 

It's 'such' a week, with cold, losses and a period. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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