zondag 21 januari 2024

Good afternoon at the 21st off January, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's on the edge off storm and very cold winter weather in the Netherlands. It's dreary and cold, and it started to wind. 


It's January, and life is depressing as a doorknob at the moment. What is the best solution to withstand it all? To Winter! 

I'm wintering this season in comfortable Norwegian knits, with vanilla scents and an after-Christmas feeling. I told you how my Christmas vacation wasn't much off a succes, but to truly Winter is a succes. It works with Norwegian knits which are a little off the Christmas colour scale and are not too sparkly, and warm vanilla scents I have left over from Christmas. And a hint off neutral make-up from a Christmas eyeshadow pallet. It lacks the Christmas lights, but everything to it's own and this is not Christmas. It's to Winter. It's to get over with the dark and drearyness off this season. Warm and cozy as it is. 

There's still snow on the streets, and ponds and waters are frozen stiff. January is very well suitable as a month to finish Christmas left-overs. (Offcourse not the food, but some sweaters, scents and make-up are suitable.) Whoever keeps what, has what. Though I purchased these Norwegian knits on an after-Christmas discount. 

Globally seen, in my home the feeling off Christmas can last from half November untill February if it's needed. It's what we need to survive these dark and dreary months. Stone cold as it is. I believe there's nothing against it. It's actually very cozy and nice. Maybe it's an idea for you. To after-Christmas winter these cold months. Maybe you can stand the cold a bit better that way. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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