dinsdag 9 januari 2024

Good evening at the 9th off January, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a clear sky while freezing in the Netherlands. 


Most visions, voices, insights- No matter what you call it, point in the direction off 2026 for peace. February / March 2026. August that year we will certainly have peace. It takes three more winters from this one on. 

So, it's going to take some time. Maybe you will have to grid your teeth a bit harder, work a little bit more, or safe a little more money. Or re-wear your clothes a little longer. Live with relatives a little more due to costs you can't otherwise afford, But peace is going to be there within three years, and this war won't last forever. 

In here, I finally could set myself to washing my duvet and pillow and cleaning the house with some help, while actually being in a personal dip. The home is spic and span again. It's my personal pride to have a clean home. Despite today it was with help. The bed is perfectly clean again, (Including my teddy bear) And has a fresh duvet cover. Now, that is something great for today! Like I said, sometimes progress can't be measured in economical growth marks. (Though I think they will be low this year) But in these sort off things. As long as we make progress somehow, (See the blog I posted before about this) it's not too bad to have low economic growth marks. I think for my style off living, we made a whole centimeter on a scale off millimeters. I also took a shower and cleaned myself and put on clean PJ's this evening. Sometimes it's simply to clean a home to make personal progress. I didn't do so entirely myself, but it feels so nice. 💖 The cleaning fairy even helped to clean away the winter blues. It feels that nice in here. 

So, for now I can say we have to keep hope for the future. It's not  going to happen next week, but it's also not in 20 years we'll finally be at peace. It won't last forever, and there is a day after tomorrow. I believe in that. So keep your head held high. No matter what that means to you, try to stay realistic during these years, but don't lose hope. And clean your entire bed every once half a year, if you wish for even more well-ment advice, 😉because you deserve that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading! 


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