maandag 13 juni 2022

Good afternoon at the 13th off June, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is sunny and bright with here and there a cloud. 


My last No-Spend-Month weekend went incredibly well. I slept in pretty long at both days, had coffee and syrup waffles in my own home, and took time for myself completely. Saturday night was for an emergency which required the care office, but nothing bad happened. I needed some extra emergency medication on both days since I'm doing a bit bad this period, but I could manage myself and I haven't caused real trouble. 

This morning I could perfectly doll up with make-up that was still 'on the shelves.' Just a mild everyday brown eye make-up with some mild shimmer and a nice black mascara to look good for coffeeservice. (I wore a soft, sparkly strawberry lipgloss before having morning medication and coffee myself.) I have been serving people fresh coffee this monday morning and it went well since I love brightening their morning with coffee. Saturday I polished my nails and sunday (I still had that nailpolish 'on the shelves.) I was at de Boed, all dressed nice and dolled up with a hint off mascara and a soft, nude brown lipstick to look good. (And I'm wearing perfume.) And I had taken effort in blowdrying my hair. Look who's becomming vain this week. I take on my coffee shift as professional as I possibly can. I like my job. It's fun to wear make-up I haven't spend money on these weeks. 

Aside from flaunting on Sunday and a nasty attack in the evening on Saturday, not much has happened this weekend. 

Grocery shopping went well. I could afford it today and I know I will make it untill the end off No-Spend-Month with what I got. My mom advices me to keep on going the entire summer, just like what I planned to do. I think I will listen to that advice since aside to my birthday, I have no big plans for summer. It's going to be a good thing to keep up with it and be frugal this summer. Most people I talk about it with think it's a good thing. It seriously can't be bad for anything so I'm going to try. My stocks still haven't reached their bottom after one month off using them. After this period, it's time for a treat and to refill things that need to be refilled. Then I'm going to continue untill the 20th off July, and then after a few days break untill the end off August, or even untill the 21st off September. Mom is going to be proud off me, and so will be most people in my surrounding. It's a good thing in their eyes to be thoughtfull with your money. I have the luck I can handle money and never got out to make debts or do stupid things with it. To me, this is a fun challenge. To other people, this is the reality off the day for years not to be capable to spend money on extra's. Especially in these expensive times, it's a pro rather than a con to be economical and even frugal in what you spend. 

Mentally I'm not doing so well. I could do better. Often my thoughts are more powerfull than me and so is the thoughtpattern I'm often caught up in. It's stronger than me, I'm not capable to conquer it without help or medication. And that's what makes it dangerous. I needed emergency medication quite some times these weeks and even this weekend. It's why I took two days off from de Boed. The renovation also takes it's toll as it's quite noisy around this building during weekdays. Especially early in the morning. It's hard. 

Alright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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