dinsdag 7 juni 2022

Good evening at the 7th off June, 2022.

Good evening everyone, 

Today started gloomy, but it became a shiny and bright -almost- summer day.  


Only 7 days left, and No-Spend-Month will be a succes. Today was for ordering my weekly groceries at a grocery service instead off doing them at a supermarket. I don't feel well enough to make it on my own to a supermarket and I needed them. The grocery service is off good quality, though it's expensive. I know I can afford it. It's not really a problem but I hope I won't pay the headprice for it tomorrow, when they deliver.

Today was for baking fresh sand-cookies. Shortly after handing de Boed my Pentecost batch, I felt today like baking again istead off being bored at de Boed and do little. All ingredients where still 'on the shelve.' And didn't need to be bought. I got the awesome cookiecutter from mom a few weeks ago and it was a perfect opportunity to try. They taste great. And they smelled wonderfull. (I even still had self-selected cookie spices on my shelve.) 

Tonight we had more luck with our food. 'Be glad there is food!' well, tonight I was. We had an awesome pasta salad according to a receipe I suggested to de Boed. (It was my idea, and they had a lot off gratefull eaters today.) 

This receipe: 

It's not always depressing gloom. Sometimes an evening ends rather well, with great pasta salad and bright sunshine. I'm sensitive to that. This is a good evening for me. 

I personally don't do so well. I'm having mentall issues at the moment and tonight I was so bright and thoughtfull to call the Leviaan night service to hand me an 'if necessairy.' an 'if necessairy.' means emergency medication. I needed one around 24.00 P.M this night otherwise I sensed I could forget about sleep. This time I didn't lack to call the night service. I'm not doing well this period. I'm often overpowered by thoughtpatterns and far off. I contacted the care office and I got prescribed emergency medication for this time. (I didn't have that anymore for some time, but it's needed again.) As far as that goes, I took 3 out off 5 this weekend, ever since thursday. So I'm not having a good time.  

It could perfectly be I'm stressed by the renovation and I take it less well than hoped. And I hope it's just the renovation since that ends at some point. It doesn't literally take forever to renew this  building, but it's stressfull to live in it. I'm so incredibly tired. I have to take it untill this small complex is finished. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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