dinsdag 28 juni 2022

Good afternoon at the 28th off June, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cloudy and somewhat warm, but it's not sunny. I must say I prefer this over summer heath. But I have been around in a summer dress for two days now so I was prepared for something else. (Yesterday was rainy with thunderstorms. So I changed throughout the day to T-shirts and pants. I haven't been watching a forecast. Silly me.)  


I have been lazy these days. When it's hot outside, all I feel like doing is laying on my bed with my fan on and just chill untill evening when it gets cool and I can live again. I don't withstand summer heath that well. But I can't continue like this for the next three months. I have to make a plan to get on my feet again and do at least basic things. 

Speaking off which- I felt so bad in my head I haven't done coffee service on monday and last night I needed emergency medication. I feel those nasty cramps all the time. This weekend it seemed a bit better, but I don't feel well after all. So I have to take it easier these days. I couldn't do coffee service and I bale about that. But the nastyness in my head seemed too heavy. It's still heavy. Emergency medication softned it a bit but it's almost as if the cramps have become more constant. I hate that. Now it's gone but I'm wobbly all day for to have taken emergency medication. (It's often a pick between extremes when it comes to this) All that emergency medication in combination with summer heath also makes me prefer to stay in bed all day most off the time since heath does something with your system when it's hot. It's as if it warms up the brain and increases the effect off drowsy making meds. I think I somehow should take care off clean bedsheets, enough hydratation and to be clean and showered myself on days like that. It's not easy to keep the thing fresh when I'm like that. But the other option is to lay in bed all sweaty and filthy for weeks and I'm not a fan off that idea. I hope I can manage my plan since I often slack in basic care and that's why I live in a care home. 

Today I had coffee with creampuffs this morning. The coffee did well for my system. I feel more alert and more awake and that's why the world drinks coffee. I have the feeling you'd get away with eating pastries and having coffee all around the world. There is no religion which forbids coffee or tea and a pastry. It's something the most strict believer can live with. Though Buddhism would tell you not to overdo it and so do religions which mention care for the human body. Or religions which are strictly vegan. Then you would not get away with creampuffs. (I love creampuffs more than spirituality. They came fresh from a bakery and they where just too good. But like I told you before- I'm no vegan and I would not be capable to keep up with that.) I groom and take care off my face with cruelty free products. That makes up for not being vegetarian, let alone vegan. But for most religions counts you can perfectly go for coffee time with a sweet treat. 

Am I doing it sober again in life? Well, not strictly. I'm simply not spending a lot off money mainly and I have re-stored some off my stocks but I'm not officially on a no-spend-summer. I'm simply not spending a lot off money these days. But to be honest, I'm not a rich person so it's no use spending untill I'm blue. I decided going at other places to have cappuccino or ice coffee is not going to be it since I'm lazy this summer. Really, you can't spend your last dime when you're in bed a lot when it's hot. Really, I don't like summer heath. Today feels like an excellent day to change bedsheets, however. And be sure I can sleep in a clean bed for a while. 

I have the luck most construction is almost done on this building. It's too noisy to read a novell, but it's allright enough to be in bed if you ignore. (I'm pretty hard headed. I can handle this level off noise.) 

I like the idea off a clean bed, I love the sound off my laundry machines and I like using fancy laundry wash and softner. - So I'm off to that task for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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