woensdag 22 juni 2022

Good evening at the 22nd off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was bright and sunny and the perfect start off summer. 


I have a problem. Not a first world problem since this would be considered a problem everywhere, but still- A problem. I'm loosing my taste. I'm doing hard tasting cooked foods and tasting my Wednesday Soup was impossible for me today. I hate it. I got complimented today on how perfect it tasted, so there wasn't much off a problem there. It's just that I wasn't really capable to taste it myself. It's a thing I had during my Corona infection, loss off taste. This morning was for a feeling off almost fainting when making soup. I'm incredibly tired and I blamed it on three nights off lorazepame I had to take to feel less mental. I hope my taste will come back, and making soup will be less hard for me when it's hot outside. We could also blame it on the weather. I hope it's not Corona. Last time I got it I got away with it luckily. I hope nothing bad will come from it when I catch it this time. (I hope I won't catch it at all.) That would be something. Catching corona with all this construction going on around me and inside the building. That's not really preferable for this situation. I have no space to rest with all the drilling going on if that had to be the case, let alone sleep. But let's hope my system will take on this lightly and safe my ass from getting sick during a renovation. Ladybug Guardian Angel, anyone? 

Actually I looked really forward to my soup today as I thought it would taste perfect. But it was a downer for me today. 

Allright, I have little to say this evening. 

That's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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