zondag 5 juni 2022

Good evening at the 5th off June, 2022.


Good evening everyone, 

It's raining cats and dogs outside. It's predicted to become a thunderstorm today. What most people say: 'Well, at least it's good for farmers and the garden.' 


I keep up with No-Spend-Month for about three weeks now and it goes well. I'm proud I have come this far without spending money on unnecessairily extra's. 10 days to go, and I fullfilled my purpose. It's not hard to keep up with this. Sometimes it's good to finish what's on the shelves and feel rich as a queen with what you still have. 

Speaking off which: 

I have been capable to make these without spending money on it's decoration and work with what I still had in my cupboard. (Which was pretty much.) These are chocolate coconut amaretto flowers. Made with the same cookiecutter I used 10 years ago in my delusion, but they're not quite it. First off all, I used baking powder to make them poof, and coconut, and amaretto syrup (It doesn't contain alcohol. But for an almond taste it was needed.) and I decorated it with cooking chocolate and large coconut chives. I have been quite creative with them. Not to bring out an anniversary cookie for that terrible period, 10 years ago, but simply to bake something for Pentecost. (And to follow that old delusional idea and make something good from it.) 

Low profile and cheap as they sometimes are, de Boed didn't have a treat with their coffee for Pentecost and it doesn't look like they have something with our coffee tomorrow. They had complaints about that from neighbours and clients and most off the time they don't take much effort in celebrating such things. It's closed tomorrow because it's a holiday (But it's open for people who live here and neighbours for coffee) but they don't have festive treats for them with coffee. I can't say I have been short today on something, but that's because the caretaker who worked today made an effort in doing her best for the (otherwise plain) meals for today. Without her, this would have been a gloomy and saddening day without anything extra for us. Tomorrow will be treated like a Sunday with them. If we don't make something out off it ourselves, we often have nothing. (Most sundays here go by boring and their highpoint is often one off my bakings with their coffee. I feel glad I can soften at least that edge for them.) 

When you're far off most things, Sundays go by boring. I often think off my dad on such days, who has raised me 'not to walk beside my shoes, and don't be ungratefull in life.' I don't like it, it's hard, but often I remind myself not to be ungratefull about what we do have and simply have coffee and company on those days. Often we have plain food on Sunday. Today was for a sauerkraut stamp with pineapple and a meatball. They had vienetta ice cream with whipped cream for dessert, but the stamp was rather something you'd eat on a cold wintersday. Yesterday was for cauliflower with potatoes and meat, and tomorrow they pretend nothing is happening aswell. At least we had a good dessert today. (For Pentecost, so finally we where a bit lucky.) de Boed is oriented at old people who love that kind off food, and at caretakers who often have little time to cook, (And simpleminded people who also prefer that kind off food) but it's hard to deal with for people who love good foods and who would rather eat something good at Pentecost. Or on any Sunday. It's hard to stick to the harsh way I have been raised not to be ungratefull to 'at least have something.' But it's not easy. I heard some people saying today: 'Be glad at least we have this food. During WWII people had no food at all.' (While on the other hand a lot off people skipped tonight and choose their own meal. I didn't have the opportunity to do so, so I had to take potluck today.)  

Sometimes I have to chew my tongue and re-think pretty hard why I shouldn't be ungratefull for food I got served for almost free. It was prepared well, as far as I tasted it. But today is not the time and place for it in my opinion. 

It's a rainy and depressing Pentecost evening, we had bad foods and I need my green tea to flush it away tonight. I'm so glad I baked cookies for tomorrow but the joy off that doesn't beat the dissapointment off tonight. I can't bring it any better than this for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.          

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