woensdag 1 juni 2022

Good evening at the 1st off June, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and cold with here and there a rainhower. It ended beautifully, though. 


Wednesday Soup turned out perfect. I made Spinach-Zuchinni soup, with lots off herbs, and with ham cubes which where optional for people to have in their soup. They loved it. It's a great soup if you like the taste off spinach. 

I still stand strong in the No-Spend-Month challenge. Only 15 days left and I do incredibly well. I have spend no money extra this week, except on groceries. Living it sober goes well with me. It's something cool I can keep up with this challenge. But mainly I'm no expensive lady. Mainly since I usually can't afford a lot off extra's. Just a bit extra sober isn't much off a deal with me. Still I have Clipper detox tea tonight to drink. (I still have a few teabags. It's not much anymore. But I can be proud I drank the entire box.)    

I'm overthinking whether I should move away from Zaandijk and move to a place with more possibilities, or stay for having nice people aroung me who love my presence and who enjoy my company. It's hard to leave them behind on one hand, it's really hard, and then the other option, to a location with more young people, shops, possibilities to live and be less depressed in winter. I hate it. I love those who appreciate me and I enjoy their company, but where I live is far off the world outside. I love my small flat but it's hard to be satisfied in a surrounding like this. I should really overthink well. I gain something there, but I leave something here. I usually don't experience people loving my presence. I usually do hard with people. But these people like me and they think it's a pity if I'm about to move. It's hard to leave friends. Maybe I should overthink it for a while and then make a decision. There's no reason to be hasty. I'm beloved in my surrounding and that is worthit a lot. 

My mental health has improved by talking to a caretaker at de Boed about what was troubling me. We had a good talk about my mental health, and issues I was dealing with. It cleared up a lot and it aired up a lot. It feels as if things are more in place now and I'm not hurting from it anymore. That's such a good thing. Talking helps. I even talked about the ridiculous things that where bothering me. Usually I don't have such in-depth conversations with most people. But it helped. It's so nice the troublesome feeling has faded with that talk. 

Life goes well these months. If I have issues, they seem to be solved and that is something. It's great to mention how everything seems to fall into place and becomes better after such a time off struggling. I think I deserve that, after all. We can't struggle our entire lives. We need periods off sunshine and positivity aswell. After rain comes shine, and I somehow feel it's my time off sunshine these months, or maybe this entire year if I'm finally lucky. (I hope I am.) 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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