maandag 30 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 30th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The weather today is cloudy and cold. With here and there a rainshower. 


Serving Farmer Cake was a big succes this morning. I better could have made three since I was short in it this morning and that's a bad thing. People loved it and I had fun serving them coffee and cake. 

This is what my workspace looks like on Monday morning. It had several good reasons to serve cake with my coffeeshift. No matter what the rest off the week will be like, at least Monday morning started good for me and the people who had my cake. My cake got declared better than Albert Heijn's. (A big supermarket branch. That cake got declared utmost bad.) And it got complimented in how I managed not to make it dry. People loved it's consistency. I love it when that happens and the morning starts good. 

Day 15 off No-Spend-Month. I'm close to it's half. I had my groceries today for cheap and I have the feeling living affordable is a choice rather than a must today since supermarket prices wheren't skyrocketing today. That's a luck for me. Still I want to fullfill it. (I did my groceries economical this afternoon and I barely spend money on extra's.)  Plus there was flour on the shelves which is even more off a softening for this nightmare. It seems I'm not truly bleeding anymore but not spending too much is a choice. (And finishing off what I still have on the shelves isn't a bad idea either.) I could allow myself a new coffeemaker or a new cookbook once I finished this task. My old coffeemaker needs to be replaced, and I love collecting cookbooks. So both off them are luxury items which could count as a reward once I'm done with it. And then continueing with it to the entire summer? It wouldn't do bad to do so.  

I haven't puchased hazelnuts for cookiebaking today. I found it counted as an unnecessairy luxury so I kept myself from doing it. It's also something for when No-Spend-Month is over. I could give myself some space after the first period is done, eating fish, buying a cookbook and a coffeemaker and then continue. If it's not a necessity anymore, I could allow myself some space to breathe before I go on. But that's for when this period is over. Let's keep on with it first. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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