donderdag 19 mei 2022

A bit off a slip

 Good evening everyone, 

It's a bright blue evening. The perfect ending off a nasty day when it comes to weather. 


This evening I made that one exception I allowed myself for my money: My brother's birthday presents. His birthday will be at the 19th off June, and he wanted practical items since he is about to live on himself soon and moves out off my mom's house. I bought him nice items and wrapping paper. (I won't reveal what I bought yet. You never know with that idiot but it could turn out he'd read this weblog after all) I just had to purchase 4 rolls off wrapping paper before the site allowed me to order it. It's not necessairily but I did because otherwise I had to pay shipping costs. (I hate shipping costs. Usually I order enough so I won't have to pay that.) Let's say I won't be short on wrapping paper soon. (I think most people who get a present won't mind.) I had to pay some costs for all off that but these presents where a necessity. I'm going to take it sober for the rest off the period. I simply have to if I want to afford my (usual) costs. It's not a bad thing to be frugal this summer. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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