zaterdag 28 mei 2022

Good evening at the 28th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny changing with clouds. It was pretty warm and there was no rain. 


I went home from mom's place since I had no energy to stay there the entire weekend. I feel so bad in my head I had to go home. I feel bad about it, but being in my own space, I feel better about it since I needed it for my health. I feel good inside my home and I feel an extra day off rest will do well for me tomorrow. 

They still excist: Square springforms and they are perfectly available at the internet, but No-Spend-Month requires me to stay sober and not buy that when I have a cupboard filled with perfect springforms. It's the art off not spending money on unnecessairy things. Except for charging my travelling card again, I have spend no money today on luxury items. I have been charging it so I could travel home by train. Often I take a long bus trip since it feels kinda adventurous to take the long route, but this weekend was for train two times. I have been spending almost all money I saved with groceries on my travelling card. That's how expensive railroad travelling (even that small distance) has become but it was a necessity. And it was somewhat fun, travelling by train since I don't do that often. Public transport in the area where my mom lives could be arranged better during weekends. Busses don't enclose well on each other and there are 40 minutes gasps when the bus only goes once every hour. It's a shame almost for that area.  

I have spend a lot off money on my travelling card this weekend. It feels a bit sour not to have saved a lot on my pay account this week despite taking it sober. On the other hand, I haven't spend it either. I saved just a little this week. (It's unfair. But it's probably how I'm supposed to do it with everything so expensive. Just money for basic things and no luxury for a long time.) 

Next period the energy bill for a lot off households will be a lot more expensive. A lot off people have to take it cheap these days. The same goes for groceries. Square springforms will be something for when this crisis is over, probably. It's day 13 off No-Spend-Month, and tomorrow it will be two full weeks. I have no plans on spending a big extra next week aside to groceries. I don't have to go somewhere and there is nothing expensive planned for me. The perfect week to fullfill my goal a bit more and safe a bit on my pay account. (Or just come round, as how I did this week.) I'm just like most people nowadays. I'm no exception in it. Most times I'm not like most people when it comes to a lot off things, but these days I bleed like everyone. 

A positive thing is that there is Detox tea by Clipper this evening for me to drink. At least I have good tea tonight. Other than that, my Saturday night will probably be boring as hell. I have nothing to do or see, I can watch a bit off TV if I wish to and see if they still have that funny TV show they had previous week which was good for a few laughs. (I don't have any snacks to go with it.) And watch the news ahead to that, since I try to each Saturday to keep up a bit with the world. (I don't follow it every day since that requires too much off me. But I try to sometimes.) Life for mental people is already hard enough without crisis and war. It's not fair. I hope I can cope with all this without getting more trauma scars than I already have. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.        

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