dinsdag 10 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 10th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was forecasted as a warm day, but it's cold and grey instead. It's not as bright as they'd predicted. 


Warning: this blog might be about general and boring things. 

Today was a life in the day off an ordinairy person. No Boed, just a life with my family on an ordinairy week day without healthcare, (Except for medication in the morning) other than that, I don't have such days often. 

It was for excellent coffee, a friend off mom coming over for coffee this morning and during early afternoon I made some apple-cookie spices muffins for our coffee moment this evening to keep me occupied today. 

I decided on to bring a muffin pan and some muffin/cupcake papers here and bake my family something. 

They are not pretty, but like said before: I'm not a professional baker and I don't mold things well. I bring them to perfect taste but I could do better in modelling and making stuff look pretty. I hope these babies will taste nice this evening with our tea and coffee. (Today I'm an ordinairy woman who baked her family some muffins) They smell divine according to mom and that promises something. I do well from my week off from de Boed. I better don't get used to this as I need my healthcare. But being ordinairy is fun sometimes.

It's probably a good thing for it being cloudy and a bit grey today as that is better weather for apple-cookie spices flavour in my opinion. They wouldn't have suited a warm and bright day. It's not autumnly cold, but the weather does it's best to suit my muffins today. My brother probably loves them. (And the rest off the family. And that is what we aim for today) 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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