woensdag 18 mei 2022

Good evening at the 18th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been warm, and cloudy. It´s said to have been the warmest 18th off May ever measured. 


I haven't been warm, I have been in the sun for about half an hour before lunchtime and then I was inside at de Boed all the time. 

The ending off the renovation is delayed. They said it would have been finished today while they're still at it. Almost a week longer than promised. I hate it. I have to get up very early each morning to be ahead to the construction workers and go to de Boed to have my rest. I barely can take it anymore since I'm a mental patient who can't handle these kind off things (No points off rest during the day) very well. 

This morning has been for my Zaanish mustard soup. It was quite a succes and I think mine is better than de Zaanse Schans since I have salmon in it. I had fun making it this morning for Wednesday Soup. I had the energy to do so. Luckily. (For me and my fellow clients who eat their lunch there) my soup is always appreciated. Then again, we had new eaters and one said my soup deserved 5 stars. (I harvest compliments when I make it. I love it.) the other one (A care taker) loved it aswell. I also serve care takers my excellent soup. It's never a good thing to walk beside your shoes but I know I'm good with what I do. I got compliments all the time. It's a high point every week.  

I feel so tired. I wasn't happy when I came home to mention they are still on my appartment. They promised otherwise. At first they said it would have been last thursday, this week they promised it'd be finished today but none off it came true. I've heard it's common for construction to be delayed. I bale and it's hard. My stomach hurts from it.  

Non-Spending-Month day 3 went well. I haven't spend money today on unnecessairy goods. I just have been making soup and be stressed and tired at de Boed today. I'm not planning on spending money tomorrow. I have the luck de Boed honours a request I had for dinner and will make spaghetti with meatballs for us next week. (I felt like eating that. I think I did good with that request and looking up a receipe for them.) I don't have to spend a lot off money on it and de Boed has a payment system with me. (I pay for my meals there. But not from my on-hand pay account.) And it's not unnecessairy. The rest off next week will be quite boring with potatoes, meat and vegetables like we eat very often. It's not something to be jealouse off they cook for me each night! But it's wholesome and it saves my mind from troubles. I have to take it untill Ascension Day. That day I will be off to my family for a long weekend. 

Not spending money is quite easy for me. I think I will make it the entire week without spending. I'm going to be proud off myself if I make it this entire month. (and summer, as planned. But let's see for a month first.) Sunseed oil is back on the shelves in the supermarket, but for twice as much as how it was, for example. Things are still insanely expensive these days. It's no big deal to be frugal. I still got a lot off stuff on hand. 

I hope for the day where flour will be back on the shelves again and I can bake easy going sand cookies again. Sometimes making these are the thing my mind wishes to do. It's easy and they are fun to stick out with cutters. But no flour on the shelves makes them impossible to bake. I still have a bit off flour but it's too little for a cookie project where my working space has to be floured all the time to cut them out. This whole crisis is unfair.  There's supposed to be nothing pretentious about my sand cookies, but flour not being for sale makes them almost like diamonds to obtain. It's best to enjoy baking them a lot again once it is. (I hope for better days to come and this crisis to end, after all.) 

Allright, that's about it for now-

Thank you for reading.         

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