dinsdag 24 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 24th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cloudy with here and there a rainshower. It's cold in general for May. 


I'm so glad flour is back on the shelves. Flour came back to the shelves in the supermarket and I purchased a stock off it to be certain to have it on my shelve for quite some time. It has become more expensive but it's not the end off the world, and grocery shoppings where not expensive this week. I had luck with it. I think I will remember this crisis for a long time, in a bad way. I have the luck I can bake cookies for my coffeeshift next week. This week will be Ascension weekend so I will be at my mom's. But next week will lend itself for some cookies. I'm so glad our flour problem is solved. It showed me how weak and attackable our society actually is. It just takes making groceries and gas more expensive for them to have to be short on money and goods and that makes them weak. It's unfair to be poor. I live in an area where the crisis is felt pretty hard. People aren't wealthy in Zaandijk (The area most tourists don't get to see.) And sick people often live on governmental wages to get by. I do get by but I'm smart and common sensed with my money. I have build up savings over time and I have an accountant who protects my money. Still it's not much I have to come round from in a week. 

Having that said, grocery shopping went well and today I have spend no extra money. That makes day 8 and 9 from No-Spend-Month a succes. I have to do it with what I got on the shelves this week and spend no money on extra's and unnecessairy items. I went just a bit overboard with hoarding baking products and dish brushes in the supermarket. (Dish brushes are cheap, so I bought two to have some on stock. Wise? Yes. But it wasn't according to plan.) Still it was affordable and I have only bought a small package off cherry tomatoes and an (expensive) pack off fresh salted nuts from the fresh counter for my snacks. I have already finished the tomatoes. I allow myself the nuts today. I only have to make it untill Thursday this week. It goes well. I still have the idea there are people who consider me a mindless idiot with my money. The same people who adress me as a worthless slut with no brains, being a Barbie and a whore. They are the shamefull ones in this case, not me. Still it's hard and unfair having the idea I have to fight against an image that was never true. 

Sometimes the best ideas in life come to you for free. A caretaker had some cookbooks for me since she heard I collect cookbooks. Among those was a soup cookbook with a few excellent ideas for Wednesday Soup. I made it a plan for almost four weeks and immediately gave them four grocery lists for four weeks off Wednesday Soup. 

Yesterday evening went by bad. I had an attack and I felt bad in my head. I still feel that scratch in my head. It's as if something scratched and I always think it's jealouse women with dark magic who do so so it feels like a nasty cat's scratch in my brain. It started some time before dinner. It hurts and it made me even have a dangerous thought. I called the care office and they came for a talk. I still have that feeling in my head. It's not easy at this moment. I think they are evil about flour being back on the shelves and me being able to bake again. It's what makes them so nasty this time. (Wicca and modern paganism are not ment to that if you read their guidelines. But it's only human to misuse magic and do bad with it. I don't think they're all as pure and good as they like you to believe.) Someone hates me to be able to bake again. And they're jealouse off my profile picture on Facebook. (They're always jealouse. It's a bad trait. All that jealousy truly makes them evil somehow.)

This afternoon is for tea and a little rest inside my home. Outside the renovation takes place and it's a construction workspace. There isn't much rest with all that noise going on but it's good to have a break from de Boed every often 'cause being there all the time is a bit much. Tea from the shelves. Clipper green tea. Tea is a good idea. It's also a good idea to take a shower this evening with all that cold rain going on outside. (I can recommend my readers to use a good smelling showergel and pamper themselves tonight with a warm shower.) 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.            

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