zondag 29 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 29th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The weather is cloudy with here and there a rainshower and it's not warm. 


Farmer cake is a Dutch classic. Almost everyone is capable to bake that cake and it's beloved by most people. I had 6 eggs left on the shelve and all the other ingredients on stock, so I decided to make two today so I have something to serve tomorrow at my coffeeshift. There's something gratefull about serving home made cake with fresh coffee on a cold and rainy monday morning. (The weather promises to become cold and rainy.) I'm not intending to do so every monday. That might be a bit overdone. But wasting 6 eggs would have been such a pity I couldn't resist to do something with them and Farmer cake can't be mastered too much if you like to bake. 

It fits into No-Spend-Month since everything was on the shelve and it would have been a waste to let it spoil. (I have spend no extra money on these.) Still we can have fresh cake on Monday morning. 

This might beat two flies in one clap: Not spending, and hopefully helping people cope with the crisis. Aside to that, 30 May would have been my belated grandfathers birthday (from mom's side) I think he likes the idea off Farmer cake at his birthday tomorrow. 

I fullfilled No-Spend-Month for two weeks now. It goes well and I stay strong throughout the week. It's not hard at all. Should I give myself a break and reward myself after that period? Or just immediately go on with summer? I made an appointment with a caretaker to have fish in a seafood restaurant short after I fullfilled No-Spend-Month. That could perfectly be my reward for this period. I still don´t have much money to spend throughout the week and I could keep it at that for a reward. Every once in a while we have to spoil ourselves and I allow myself that fish. But that´s for over three weeks. Let´s see by day if I can fullfill my goal, though I have the idea I just have to take it sober to even pay for those basic essentials. It´s not really rewarding to be sober, but a plain necessity. 

The bad feeling I had previous week is fading. I feel less bad than I did yesterday but it´s still taking it moderate and easy for me and I really have to be cautious the next period so I can have my rest and not overwork myself. It´s hard to think I can handle more than I actually can. There was a time where I could do it. But that has been, long ago. It´s sad to think my life has been hard ever since my teens. It never has been easy for me. I feel better now I´m back at home in my own surrounding. 

Allright, that´s about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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