dinsdag 24 mei 2022

Good evening at the 24th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

This evening ended bright and blue outside. Tomorrow it's predicted to become cold. But I have a hint off sunshine in my heart this evening. 


I need to blow off some steam before I go to bed, otherwise I can't sleep tonight. 

First off all, the spaghetti and meatballs was a great succes and my evening was already good because off it. They did their best to prepare it and people loved their spaghetti. We weren't dining in a low profile community centre, but at an Italian restaurant. That's how it felt. It was a good idea and I told the cook I wanted to eat it at August 5, when it's my birthday. (We're allowed to do requests for our birthday.) It was that much off a good idea. Good food can make my evening. 

Second off all, I dyed my hair this evening for the first time in almost a year and it looks so much better than my natural colour. It's so much improved (And I bought this colour a few weeks ago. It was 'on the shelves.' and not purchased as a luxury) and I feel so good about it. It made my evening even better than the spaghetti with meatballs already did. My hair is cut and dyed for the next period. I hope my hairdresser won't be angry at me since she didn't get to dye it. But the result is fabulous and worthit if she complains. I had a sentence in my head saying 'You look like a billion dollars with your hair dyed.' 

Today was a good day. This evening was even better. Tomorrow will be for soup. For a day in the week, all off this is not bad. Life is good this evening. 

I decided to keep on dying my hair in winter, since it made me feel so incredibly good, I'm going to need this every now and then. (I haven't dyed in a long time. I forgot how it feels) 

It's great my depression is fading and the bright light that comes in makes me do things that are good for myself again. I blow dryed to get even more off a result, and if I hadn't done all off this myself I would probably really look like a billion dollars. Fighting depression and doing good things really pays off. It works out well for me. The tide is turning. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 


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