zaterdag 7 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 7th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold and cloudy and there is a promise off rain and even thunderstorms in the air. 


The renovation starts on Monday. I'll have to get one hell off early out off bed that day and get ready early before they arrive. I'm tired already from having to get up early because off renovation noise. 

Can you imagine, they have to do the entire appartment complex with several mental people living here. I suppose not everyone will get out off this without issues. I made an appointment with my mom on staying there untill it's all done so next week there won't be Wednesday Soup at de Boed. 

What I also decided, instead off baking all the time, is to get a summer stop on baking. It's because supplies are getting too expensive. I still got a lot on my shelve but there is no flour anymore in stores and groceries are getting insanely expensive in this country. Aside to that, I don't like being in the kitchen when the weather is hot and people love bakings more when it's Autumn so I re-start baking after summer. My summer stop will be from June 21 untill September 21. Except for my birthday at August 5. Then I will make de Boed a treat but untill then I take a break. It's not a bad thing as it could also do good for me personally to take a break from it. That way I hopefully enjoy it again when I'm at it again. 

I still make soup for them each Wednesday so they don't have to entirely miss out on my cooking. It's hard. These days are hard. But it's necesairily. It's unfair, but I have to. Luckily people understood. Everyone has issues with groceries getting more expensive. If I can't take it anymore I can always do something small, but I can't make them something every weekend anymore like I tried to for a while. 

It was my mission to soften sharp edges but I have to deal with them myself these days. Life is already hard enough for mental people when there is no crisis. Or renovation. My house is one big mess. It will be solved after they're done here, but it's surviving untill then. I'm so tired, I'm so tired... I'm tired and out off energy easily. This whole process takes its toll. It's best to keep in mind it will be better after it's done. But that's not easy right now. 

I hope this crisis won't last forever. Everything passes. Like that insightfull sentence: 'This too, shall pass.' Like everything that happens. It's not easy. But hopefully we can believe in that. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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