zaterdag 21 mei 2022

Good evening at the 21st off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning went by sunny, then we had a period off clouds without rain and now it's all bright and sunny outside. 


Day 6 off No-Spend-Month went by well. I haven't spend money today and yet it was a good day. I had my coffee in the morning sun untill lunchtime at de Boed and then went back home watching TV, having two pots off green tea (From a package I still had left in my cupboard) 

Unfortunately it's off the shelve off my regulair supermarket. I love drinking it so I had luck still having two boxes off it in my cupboard. I allowed myself two teapots off it this afternoon. (I can recommend you to try it if you have the luck to find a box off it at your supermarket. It's good tea) 

I was enjoying the calmth off my home by myself. I needed that break from de Boed to get a little energy. I'm going to take a break from it again tomorrow. Just a little me-time. It's a good thing to still have fun without money. All I needed this afternoon was my TV untill my head got full. I loved watching a Star Wars cartoon on Disney XD. I love sciencefiction and outer space science recently. It's a cool thing to be a bit off an enthousiastic geek about it though it's still in a moderate stadium. (I discovered recently I love it. I have a lot to watch when it comes to that.) I don't get only half off outer space science, but it's so awesome to watch. I wish for humans to discover life on other planets. That would be ultimately awesome. (And that outerspace gear is freakishly cool) I still have to start my journey in it- so I still don't know much about it except that I like it. Aliens are a cool thing. 

So, without money I discovered a whole new field off interest. I just have to upgrade my gear when it comes to that. Meaning a better TV, a Disney+ subscription and a better computer to watch all that stuf. You can get Discovery channel items on Disney+ too, so watching that would be too awesome. I'm just afraid that I can't afford. I'm spacing it when it comes to that. I have been economical with my technology for a long time and I was content with that. It's like falling in love and then deciding you want to upgrade yourself for that new crush. It's not a common sense thing to do (I didn't even take action when I really was in love. I just let it pass because I knew I'm not suitable for it). And we all know you'd better be loved back for who and what you are. But still we can't help wishing to improve ourselves for that crush. When it comes to it, this is a bit diffrent than being in love since I know it will work out once I have a new TV, a Disney+ subscription and a better working computer. With a crush it's still a guess if you have spend a ton off money on yourself to impress them. Still, I don't have the money to be suitable for Star Wars and outerspace science. I have to do it with what I got and that's a pity. I shouldn't loose my head too easily but it's an escape for daily life to be into it so it seems to me. It's fun for now. 

I saw something cool on TV to be a present for my other brother's birthday (I have two brothers) But that's in october and pretty far off for now. It's something he would absolutely love, probably. It's Minecraft lego. He's a lego fan and a Minecraft player. I think he will love me for it. And he doesn't read this weblog. (I'm sure about it.) The brother who has his birthday at June 19, will get a rolling pin, a pound cake pan and a springform so he can bake at his new home. (I know he doesn't read this either.) I hope they are not planning to read my blog soon. But thanks to them not being interested in what I do on the internet I can share with my readers what I will give them. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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