maandag 16 mei 2022

Good evening at the 16th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy with a small rainshower, I believe it's called Humid in English. It wasn't cold but it wasn't bright. 


Today was for Monday Grocery Shopping, and for getting out very early due to renovation. I have been up from 6.00 AM on. I have made myself usefull this morning by providing de Boed's coffee moment. I have been the coffee lady and I offered them to do so more often in the morning if they have space for that. Also after the renovation is done and the appartment complex is back to normal. I might hate myself in winter for this, but as long as this takes place and I have time and willpower in the morning- It's fine with me. My thoughts about it while being at it: What's a more gratefull job than serving people coffee on monday morning? I have a volunteer assignment again if they have a spot for me. I have been unemployed since previous year, but it's getting to a diffrent point in my life and (small) careerpath with this. I love serving people coffee and being the coffee lady. I won't be payed for it, but it's a daytime (Morning) fullfillment and I make myself usefull. I love that too. It feels good to work. 

Grocery shopping was quite a downer today. My No-Spend-Month challenge might be a necessity since I barely had money for my basic needs today. I managed to buy everything, but it's all become insanely expensive and it's probably a need rather than a luxury to be frugal this month. I'm sorry to say, but there is barely space for extra's. So far, day two off this challenge went well. I haven't spend money on anything extra except for two small bags off fresh nuts at grocery shopping. (But those are basic supplies and strictly seen they fall under the rules) And no tea was bought. I will drink a pot off Matcha Lime again tonight. 

My cousin has send me a card which I received this weekend. If I wish to stick to the rules I have to see what postcards I still have on the shelve for her with a poststamp I still have somewhere. I can't go overboard and buy her an expensive card but I have so much stuff still on stock, I think I have something fun to send her in my card drawer. (edit: I found a card that suits her) It saves money for now. My cousin and me are old fashioned post card senders and we love it. 

In my system, you have to spend first to be capable to be sober later on. Restore your money and then buy a stock again. Usually it works. I have stocks and stocks off items I think I better use in this time off being, where everything has become insanely expensive. It's handy to be a hoarder, for periods off time like this. (I don't know what to do after this. Next month I will probably re-charge some stock to keep this system working) I think our economic crisis won't be over in a year, or even in two years. It's better to have something to fall back on when the system fails. I don't know how about you, but I want to make it through this. I want to overcome the crisis and live beyond it. (I never knew hoarding would ever come in handy. But nowadays it simply does.) I think I will with my system off purchasing items for cheap. 

I simply hate the crisis. I can't stop thinking about what it does to poor people. I feel such pity with them but like my mom says: 'They won't be helped with that.' It's best to try to make something out off life despite that. My thoughts do get stuck on it, however and I can feel so upset about it. It's part off hating unfairness. Life is already hard to begin with and now the groceries, gas and warmth are getting too expensive for poor people. What's not to hate about that? Poverty is not something to be made fun about. I know too well not to know. I got upset about it while writing you this. I think I won't easily forget about this time in a bad way. It's something I'll probably remember when I'm old. I hate it. I believe there should be enough off everything for everyone. I can't stand it bread and grain getting through the roof when it comes to prices. I can live myself, but the other people... I feel so much pity with the other people. 

Let's keep myself focused. Keeping my mind clear is not possible since I'm mental, but let's keep on being focused on my challenge. It's only monday, day 2. Tomorrow will be for spending a small amount on a hairdresser. It's an extra but it's the only thing extra for myself for this month. And the Leviaan beautyspecialist is not expensive. She cuts and grooms for reduced prices for mental people like me on governmental wages on a volunteer base. I will look fresh again tomorrow. I'm somewhat looking forward to it. After that I'm supposed not to spend a dime on extra's. My family invited me for the Ascension weekend. I will go there but I think I have to charge my traveling card. I also consider travelling money a necessity. (I don't own a car. I have to go there by bus or train) As long as I keep that journey moderate, I think It can pass. My ending date for No-Spend-Month will be the 15th off June. I started it yesterday instead off at the 1st off this month. I might pull it a little further untill the end off June if I feel allright with it. Or even untill the mid off July. A no-bake summer and a no-spend summer. I think nobody will be harmed by it and I will benefit from it after all. So I think it won't be a problem. 

Nobody has money nowadays so others won't look strange to me about it. It's a good thing. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 


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