zondag 1 mei 2022

Good morning at the 1st off May, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

The weather is cold and cloudy outside. It's not promising for today. 


This is a picture off my non-bake chocolate biscuit cake I made yesterday. I decided to top it entirely with walnuts instead off only a ring on top off it since I had a lot off toasted walnuts. This looks promising. I made it with a decadent amount off ganache to be sure everything was covered. In Dutch this goes by the name off 'Arretjescake.' but usually it looks a bit diffrent. I decided to make a luxurious version off it with walnuts. I hope I can make myself and others forget the crisis for a while. I could write a cookbook with Dutch classics with a decorative twist but that usually doesn't come in handy if you want everyone who reads capable to make what you describe. Then it's best to work with basic supplies and easy descriptions (And this receipe wasn't my own) But that doesn't make it fun for me to make it. To keep it from being dull and old fashioned, I like to give it a decorative twist. (I'm not a professional baker, but just that special twist on bakings makes it fun.) 

Good grief, I'm tired. I haven't done much today but I already feel like I can hardly give it any better than this for today. I would like to help serving my cake and make coffee for the coffee moment this afternoon but I'm just so low on energy and it's not even winter. It can't be being low on vitamin D since I take supplements. (Multivitamins and vitamin C) I could try more excercise, or just more walks outside to see if my condition improves. I don't get why these vitamins are not working out as how I want them to. But maybe it's not the vitamins. It could perfectly be something else. Leviaan (My living organisation) thinks it might be my period or a bad condition and I could move around a bit more. They see no point in seeing a doctor but I think I will push that a little if this keeps on being a problem since it can't have gone this bad. 

On a positive note, I think my depressive symptoms have faded a bit and I feel more joyous and capable to see more positivity in my life. It's not perfect at the point where it should be but it's getting somewhere good, finally. It's not like I'm all sunshine and rainbows these days, but I'm at a point where I can say 'It's fine.' 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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