vrijdag 13 mei 2022

Good evening at the 13th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

The weather was bright, sunny and not too warm. Actually I think it was a perfect day for a day in May. 


I went home today to find myself in a bit off annoyment. The renovation isn't finished yet and my bedroom is still under construction. I guess I have to get out extremely early this monday to join the early morning coffee crowd at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. Somtimes I think I always have the worst off luck when it comes to this. But given it's worthit the mess (They finished my livingroom. It looks nice and less depressing than the old situation) I simply have to take it this monday. 

I assumed they had it finished last thursday. That's what they claimed in their planning but I heard it's common in construction to be delayed. That happens all the time. Fingers crossed it's worthit everything. 

I had a great time at my parental home this week. But I became a bit unstable and that's the reason I live here. I can't go back with my mom, no matter how much I want that sometimes to escape all off this. Protected living is hard. A less depressing living room does well for it. I'm not depressed anymore like I was when having Seroquelle, but I'm still a bit down about this sometimes. (My life could have been diffrent and much better if I was not a mental health care patient.) Mentioning getting irresponsible and unstable at mom's is also understanding why I have to take this. It's not over nothing, unfortunately. And maybe I like my own space and living on myself. I finally feel it's good to have a home off my own. I'm getting used to my home after a few years. I think that's something good. 

I have been living here for a longer time than on any off my old protected living adresses. I wish to stay here as long as I want and need it. Not being insecure about that. Moving around is bad for mental people. It's the most stressing thing that can happen and it has it's consequences on mental health. Therefore it's dangerous for the mental to do so. (Still it happens a lot in protected living, people moving from one location to another) I think it'd be too much for me to take if I had to move somewhere else soon. I need my calmth and peace at this place for a very long time. I benefit from stability. I only need to get used to our new windowframes. But I think it's something good. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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