donderdag 12 mei 2022

Good evening at the 12th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was perfect weather. The sky was clear and the sun was out.


I have been in our backyard in the sun all day, doing practically nothing. I was a bit stupid last evening for forgetting my medication. I feel bad physically and mentally today. I took my morning pills and by evening I really start to feel I forgot them last night. Luckily I had the opportunity to be lazy all day and doing nothing. So it wasn't much off a dangerous thing in my mom's backyard with all our cats surrounding me and just being a bit social with the family. Not much obligations today. I feel like I have been on a vacation this week and I'm going to miss being here when I'm back at home. 

Hector the ladybug protests against my baking break. He got a bit annoyed by it and would like me to keep on softening edges for people. I would like to move closer to his point off vieuw, but there is barely any flour available in stores and groceries have become insanely expensive. I'm sorry Hector. I just can't be an angel to people with it as much as I'd like to. Soon I have to finish an obtained bag off almond flour, so I will bake something short before my official break for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. But I can´t bake the stars from heaven when the crisis is like this. 

I feel brake for not to have taken my meds last night. Sometimes when I'm here, that happens. When I'm not supervised with it, I slack like I do with most things. Luckily it's just a few minutes before taking my next dose and hopefully I will feel well again. I called the care-taker office about it and they said not to take it in the morning and sit out my day since I would be overdrugged if I´d do that. (If you forget a dose, you´d better not catch up with it on your next dose. That´s not responsible medicine intake) 

Tomorrow I´ll head back home and I hope the renovation made sense and made my small appartment look better. I hope it was worthit everything. Next week they will take on other homes in my building so I    won´t be relieved off noise soon. I have to take it for a while. It´s hard. I have to get up early and that´s exhausting. While being here, I took my usuall get up time and that´s not late to begin with. I have to get up every day at 8.00 AM to be sure to get in time at the medication office and have breakfast ahead to that. (With these meds, I have to eat before taking them) During the renovation, it´s 6.30 every week day. I hate it. But I do well at de Boed in the morning since I feel I can be off use in the morning serving the very early and annoyed crowd some coffee when staff is too buisy. (I have done so twice last week. It´s appreciated. You won´t believe how crowded de Boed already is at 9.00 AM.) 

I do a bit better in getting up early than I would do in winter, before morning medication when my system felt life would begin after 11.00 AM. Now I´m somewhat used to morning medication, getting up isn´t such a crime anymore but still- Hard. Thank you early morning crowd for giving me a purpose each morning. It works two ways, They help me while I help them. 

Allright, that´s about it - 

Thank you for reading.    

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