zondag 22 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 22th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today started off bright, but there are clouds which cover the sun all the time. It was promised to be warm, but it's not. 


Day 7 off Non-Spend-Month goes well, and that makes it a week. Like I said, I would do well on it and still do. I could do my business this morning without spending money. Having breakfast, going to the medication office, then decided I was too tired for de Boed and then went home. Rested a bit, took a shower and made some tea then had lunch. They're all simple tasks for a Sunday morning where I have no obligations. But this day doesn't need any more than that. I need my rest. 

I have only allowed myself two bags off fresh nuts this week as a snack. Yesterday evening I had a nut and raisin mix as an afternoon snack with a funny TV show. (The first I pigged in on Tuesday when I had a craving for those cashews. Salted. But I have made it with just this and no other snacks.) That's how I've been spending Saturday Night. Just nuts and a TV-show. No dime spend too much on those nuts if you ask me.  I have only spend a bit off money on a hairdresser and presents for my brother. The hairdresser could count as a luxury but it felt so needed and I'm still gratefull I spend that 10 euro's on her this Tuesday. It feels nice to have my hair cut for summer. 

Let's take it to week 2. I only have to charge my travelling card next week as a spending extra. I don't have other plans with my money than going to mom this Ascension weekend. I'm doing fine spending little money. It's going to be a real challenge to truly safe money with groceries to have become so expensive. I told mom about No-Spend-Month, so I think she will help me once I'm there not spending. But that's not hard since I never do so. I only spend money on ice cream sometimes when I arrive in Castricum (They have a good ice cream shop I pass by.) This time I won't. 

It may sound simple what I do. Tea from the shelves, Not buying nailpolish, not buying ice cream, it doesn't sound like a big deal when you see the overal picture. But these are the things that make my day. I don't spend a lot in general. Usually I'm taking it sober but this month it's extra sober to restore my pay account after spending a lot last weekend. I want a buffer to be certain I come round each week. Or maybe these are the times to be sober. And I can't build up a buffer. Since everything has become expensive. And I'm just taking it with common sense to overcome this period to begin with. I hope it's the first but I'm afraid it's the last. 

Let's simply be glad I could wash my hair this morning. I'm fresh and clean and I have Thé Vert behind my ears, and almost two pots off green tea in my stomach. I'm clean and I smell good. My hair is cut and my nails (hand and foot) are clean and groomed. 

Maybe I even loose weight because off having to take it sober. I simply can't afford expensive snacks and candy. (I can live with it) and no cakes each weekend because there's no flour on the shelves. It's a plus when you're as fat as me. (It's hard to be a bit hungry. But I can eat and drink my standard meals each day.) A bad thing is that I can't afford fresh fruits anymore. That's a bad thing but I can't also afford fattening junk or sweet foods these days. Given how fat I am, that could be good. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       


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