woensdag 4 mei 2022

Good afternoon at the 4th off May, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today the weather is changing sunny periods with clouds. 


I made Morrocan Harirra for Wednesday Soup today. People just loved it, except for some picky eaters who are never compete with anything they got served but I shouldn't mind them. 

It was a splendorous, healthy, tasty and complimented soup and I loved making it. The richness off this soup made me forget the crisis for a while. I did well on serving people so much vegetables and spices. I love it when a soup turns out like that. Everyone who had it had a bowl filled with vegetables during this lunch.  

This week is wrecking. I have to get up at 6.30 each morning to get ready before the renovation takes place. There is a lot off construction noise around this week. My house is a chaos because we had to move stuff away from the windows for tomorrow. I was glad I could work on Morrocan Harirra at de Boed this morning because I got there very early. During the renovation they're open more early for us. I had something to do this morning and it helped to set my mind off off things instead off waiting for so many hours to overcome the day. My assistant vegetable cutter had to go to the dentist this morning so I had a lot to do for this soup. (I'm not secure at vegetable cutting but I got away with it today) The receipe comes from the Soup bible. I made it three times now and it's a favourite at de Boed. 

I have two quark cakes with dried prunes, golden raisins and almonds in the oven since de Boed's manager requested me to make that for Liberation day. I'm proud off myself. Who'd ever think that comfort receipe off mine would make it as a celebration treat? I hope They will come out nice. I decided to make two off them so they will have enough tomorrow for everyone. It's a receipe I make out off comfort, for those boring sundays when there's nothing to do, it's perfect comfort food and it's quite easy to make. Depression fighter's best. It's an honour for it to be served on a celebration day. (I'm somehow wondering if it's good enough for that but people love it so I shouldn't be sarcastic about it) They're rich in filling tomorrow so hopefully, despite me thinking I shouldn't make them a common day treat, I can help soften some edges and make them enjoy it despite my own doubt. 

I don't know if it truly takes out the sharpness off this crisis we're in, but at least I can make people enjoy a slice off cake from time to time and that's worthit something. 

   Some time after starting this weblog: 

Above there is two pictures off two cute cakes with ridges on top. I'm more content than when starting this project since I think you can perfectly serve them at a Liberation Day coffee moment given how they came out (Picture perfect) 

I glazed them since someone wanted to teach me how to glaze to decorate these. Still my glaze is runny and I couldn't manage to make it a perfect orange. Still I think it will taste nice when someone eats a slice off this. Renewed confidence, always a good thing. I can be proud off this for tomorrow. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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