woensdag 25 mei 2022

Good evening at the 25th off May, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

The weather today is cold, cloudy and grey. 


I shoot into a depression because off it. It's such depressing weather for May. I need my tea this evening. 

Today was for classic 'Groentesoep.' (Vegetable soup translated) with chicken meatballs and alphabet vermicelli for Wednesday Soup. It was received incredibly well by the lunchcrowd at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. It was praised all the time. And I got compliments over my hair. It was a good idea to dye and blowdry yesterday. 

I felt sick this afternoon after lunch. I couldn't help our trainee with her task due to feeling so bad. I had to take a rest at home all afternoon untill it faded by dinner time. Sometimes I think I'm stronger than I actually turn out to be. 'Just leave it to me, I'll do it.' often turns out into something bad when I think that too prone to myself. Both preparing excellent 'groentesoep.' and helping our trainee out didn't go well today. I felt so terrible and I was angry at myself this afternoon. I just sat on my couch staring at construction work from out my window and I didn't even make myself tea. I felt upset at myself for turning sick. (Sometimes I'm a perfectionist with little pity for herself.) I had the luck it faded by dinner time. Even I can't be superwoman all the time. I'm just human, after all.  

Day 10 off No-Spend-Month went well. I haven't spend money on extra's today. I'm going to be proud off myself once I finish this well. I made soup this morning and had lunch, then went home to let an attack off sickness fade. Instead off making money, I even obtained something by winning de Boed's Wednesday Puzzle morning. It's easy as cake but the other participants had more off a hard time getting each round so I easily won. I picked a Toblerone chocolate bar. (I had a break during soup making, so I could participate in that. Vegetable soup needs to brothle for an hour if you wish to prepare it right. During that hour I won the game) It wasn't such a bad morning but I had shivers all over when all off it was done. 

Next week I'm going to try better with our trainee. I love helping her out since I know what it's like to be a trainee who needs to get her points. (But it's harder than I thought it would be.) 

'Starlight.' Is my superhero nickname. It stands for standing up for yourself and performing excellent deeds in daily life. At least I have good hair these weeks so I can live up to that more. (A superhero is supposed to have good hair.) 'Starlight.' is not a bad thing. Doing all the good stuff it helps to think off myself as 'Starlight.' And act. Making soup, winning puzzle mornings and helping trainees (Or planning to) is part off that. People underestimate me and they better shouldn't do that. Starlight is a good thing. (Think: Magical Girls from manga and anime. I have grown beyond the age off a magical girl, but still I wish to be and act like a daily life superhero.) 

If only I could survive the weather. It's rainy and cold and January rather looks like this. This evening is for Clipper detox tea and Toblerone chocolate. It's forecasted to be bad weather all week. I'm hoping to learn how to handle it. (Hopefully there is a way, and I like to share that with you as soon as I find it.) 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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